Apply Disease (Ability)
Ability - Apply Disease
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Description/applydisease <target>: This command will enable you to attack your target with disease, if you have the proper item.
Related Tags
Ability Breakdown & Details
- Mobs nor players can be killed by disease or poisons alone. Their effects will only bring the Ham pool down to 1 point.
- Area of effect abilities do not hit incapacitated/dead targets.
- Droids and Vehicles/AT-STs are not affected by cm abilities
Q: How much damage will my disease do?
A: Real tick damage = ((disease effectiveness) * (1 + (CM effectiveness) / 100)) * (1 + (target battle fatigue / 100))
Each tick causes an amount of battle fatigue incurred equal to the rate of:
Battle fatigue incurred = base tick damage * .075
Q: What is the natural Resist rating?
A: Every player and Mob now has a 5% chance to always hit or always miss, regardless of the Potency of your meds.
Q: What should I get my potency to for PvE?
A: It has been said that the base potency for a 50/50 chance at sticking in PvE is 120ish. Consensus is that the number is actually lower, as with a 120ish Potency poison you seem to stick at least 90% of the time.
Q: How long does it take for a disease to 'tick'?
A: After application, it takes 40 seconds before the first 'tick'. The disease will then tick every 40 seconds thereafter.
Q: Can I put poison and disease on the same creature?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I stack diseases
A: You can have one disease per bar. Including secondaries, this would allow a total of 9 diseases on any single target
Currently undergoing testing, this may have changed, update will soon follow.
Ability Flow
System MessagesSUI PromptCombat Chat SpamCombat Chat SpamFly TextFormula(s)Disease Damage
Each tick causes an amount of battle fatigue incurred equal to the rate of: Battle fatigue incurred = base tick damage * .075
Injury Treatment Speed
speed = ( ( 100-foodbuff)/100 ) x ( ( 100 - RangedInjuryTreatmentSpeed ) /100 ) x base healing speed
Where foodbuff = value of the foods used
Source References
Ability HAM Costs
Ability Multipliers