Languages (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Language Messages

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Languages (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

Example of attempting to teach a skill to a race that cannot learn it. The teaching failed when the attempt was made, and the server gave a response. The wookie tried to learn the skill and then the resposne came back for learning failure. This also applies if a twilek attempts to teach another player lekku speak.

You offer to teach Jinnx Shyriiwook Comprehension (Wookiee Language). Jinnx learns Shyriiwook Comprehension (Wookiee Language) from you. You offer to teach Jinnx Shyriiwook Speech (Wookiee Language). Teaching failed. "that better" Beast' says in Shyriiwook. Jinnx says, "yeh hehe" Wookiee are unable to learn skill: Basic Speech (Human Language). Learning failed.

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt
spoken_languages /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string List of Languages
fluent_one /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string You are fluent in 1 language.
fluent_many /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string You are fluent in %DI languages.
rodese /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Rodese
dosh /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Dosh
moncalamarian /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Mon Calamarian
shyriiwook /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Shyriiwook
bothese /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Bothese
ryl /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Ryl
zabrak /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Zabrak
language_current /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Your current language is %TT.
not_spoken_language /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string %TT is not a language.
lekku /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Lekku
basic /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Basic
usage /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Usage: /language <language>
lekku_no_comprehend /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string %TT communicates in a body language that you do not understand.
not_fluent_in_language /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string You are not fluent in the language %TT.
prose_comprehend /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string and comprehend %DI languages.
speak /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string speak
prose_speak /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string You speak %DI
comprehend /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string comprehend
ithorian /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Ithorese
sullustan /string/en/ game_language.stf internal_command_string Sullustese