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Weighted Resource Average
This section describes how the weighted average experimental quality is calculated based on resource attributes. Essentially, for each experimental statistic there is weighted average quality that depends on
- a) the attributes of each resource used
- b) the amount of each resource required by the schematic
- c) the weighting of each attribute.
Depending on the number of resources and attributes, this can be very simple (for example, in the case of batteries, only one resource and one attribute) or very complex (multiple resources and multiple attributes, each with different weights).
To illustrate examples, lightsaber and armor schematics will be used.
The Basics
When you experiment on a piece of armor, you get three options, one of which is Experimental Quality. Experimenting on experimental quality raises the base resists of the item. However, in order to know how experimentation will effect the base item, you first need to calculate the weighted average quality of the item for that particular experimental statistic.
The weighted average quality for Experimental Quality on all armor is based on the Overall Quality and Shock Resistance at a 50-50 ratio. The shock resistance of each material multiplied by the quantity used divided by the sum of the total quantites of the materials used. This will give you the average shock resistance for the item. The same process is performed for Overall Quality and a weighted average of the two (50/50 in this case) is determined. For materials that do not have one of the values (for example solid petrochem fuel), the equation simply removes that factor from the calculation.
For example, say you're making a composite helm using the following materials (we're only going to list the OQ/Shock of these theoretical materials, since that's all applies to resistances):
Intrusive Ore 800 Overall Quality, 900 Shock Resistance
Shock Solid Petrochem Fuel 950 Overall Quality
Nabooian Fiberplast 700 Overall Quality, 900 Shock Resistance
Aluminum 600 Overall Quality, 800 Shock Resistance
Beyrllius Copper 700 Overall Quality, 400 Shock Resistance
Wooly Hide 900 Overall Quality, 600 Shock Resistance
You're looking effectively using the following total quality of material...
((((70*800) + (70*950) + (35*700) + (40*600) + (30*700) + (30*900)) / (70 + 70 + 35 + 40 + 30 + 30 )) + (((70*900) + (35*900) + (40*800) + (30*400) + (30*600)) / (70 + 36 + 40 + 30 + 30)))) / 2
In the above equations, the average OQ would be 796 while the average SR would be 729. Consequently, the weighted average material rating for this experimental attribute would be 762.5.
The full equation for finding the weighted average attribute quality is described below:
General equation:
OQ1: Material 1 Overall Quality
SR1: Material 1 Shock Resistance
n1: Number of Material 1 required in schematic
OQ2: Material 2 Overall Quality
Material 2 does not have a Shock Resistance
n2: Number of Material 2 required in schematic
OQ3: Material 3 Overall Quality
SR3: Material 3 Shock Resistance
n3: Number of Material 3 required in schematic
( ( (( OQ1 x n1 ) + ( OQ2 x n2 ) + ( OQ3 x n3 )) )
( (( SR1 x n1 ) + ( SR3 x n3 )) ) )
------------------------ ( n1 + n2 + n3 )
------------------------ ( n1 + n3 )
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2 )
Variable Resource Weights
Another way of looking at the weighted averages is by examining how this system works within the confines of lightsaber construction. The following examples will be using 4th generation light saber schematics which require a total of 5 distinct resources, being Duralloy Steel, Titanium Aluminum, Polymer, Culsion Inert Gas, Polysteel Copper.
To demonstrate the equations I use the following resources:
Duralloy steel : Skisref -
- 611 CD
- 974 OQ
- 943 SR
- 992 UT
Titanium aluminium : Vepacis -
- 382 CD
- 921 OQ
- 391 SR
- 325 UT
Polymer : Iose - (These resources do not have Conductivity)
Culsion Inert Gas : Moilekit - (These resources do not have Conductivity or Unit Toughness)
Polysteel copper : Aloiam -
- 969 CD
- 980 OQ
- 787 SR
- 776 UT
Lightsabers have the following experimentation lines and properties:
Experimental Damage
- Attack Speed
- Conductivity 50%
- Overall Quality 50%
- Maximum Damage
- Conductivity 33%
- Overall Quality 66%
- Minimum Damage
- Conductivity 33%
- Overall Quality 66%
- Wound Chance
- Conductivity 50%
- Overall Quality 50%
Experimental Efficiency
- Attack Action Cost
- Attack Health Cost
- Attack Mind Cost
- Force Power Cost
- Conductivity 33%
- Overall Quality 66%
As with the previous armor example, resources that do not have the necessary stats are effectively removed from the calculation for that particular slot. For lightsabers this applies to Culsion Inert Gas and Polymer respectively for the values UT, and CD.
Part I.
33% CD/66% OQ Minimum Damage, Maximum Damage & Force Power Cost
The Minumum Damage, Maximum Damage and Force Power Cost properties on lightsabers all depend on Conductivity and Overall Quality at a ratio of 33%:66%. Each individual property will have its own unique weighted average. So for the Experimental Damage line, there will be 2 properties on it which will base their weighted averages off of a relation ship of 33% CD and 66% OQ. The Experimental Efficiency line will have 1 property based off of a 33% CD and 66% OQ relationship. To calculate the relationship we will obtain the weighted value for each resource stat CD and OQ respectively, then sum them at the end to obtain the weighted average for each experimental property:
Overall Quality 66%:
OQ1: Material 1 Overall Quality
n1: Number of Material 1 required in schematic
OQ2: Material 2 Overall Quality
n2: Number of Material 2 required in schematic
OQ3: Material 3 Overall Quality
n3: Number of Material 3 required in schematic
OQ4: Material 4 Overall Quality
n4: Number of Material 4 required in schematic
OQ5: Material 5 Overall Quality
n5: Number of Material 5 required in schematic
Weighted Average For OQ
( ((OQ1 x n1) + (OQ2 x n2) + (OQ3 x n3) + (OQ4 x n4) + (OQ5 x n5)) )
(n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5)
( 2/3 )
Conductivity 33%
CD1: Material 1 Conductivity
n1: Number of Material 1 required in schematic
CD2: Material 2 Conductivity
n2: Number of Material 2 required in schematic
CD3: Material 3 Conductivity
n3: Number of Material 3 required in schematic
Weighted Average For CD
(( ((CD1 x n1) + (CD2 x n2) + (CD3 x n3)) )
(n1 + n2 + n3)
( 1/3 )
Final Weighted Resource Average for Minimum Damage, Maximum Damage, and Force Power Cost:
Available Resource Weights
The following is a list of possible resource weights available to crafted items.
1. 50/50
2. 33/66
3. 100
4. 25/25/50
5. 25/75
6. 20/50/30
7. 75/25
8. 66/33
9. 33/33/33
10. 50/25/25
11. 40/20/40
12. 60/40
13. 66/16/16
14. 40/60
15. 25/25/25/25
Source References