ID System
All ids are 64bit values, first 4 bytes determine category, last 4 is the objects id
0x00000000 - // static objects, currently used(buildings,cells,terminals,chairs,bazzar,..) 0x00000000000C3500 // Additional Planets Static Buildings START 0x00000001 // travel terminals and for future expansion (LAST ID USED --> 4294967567)
0x000000010xxxxxxx // terminals 0x000000011xxxxxxx // ticket collectors (DONE!) 0x000000012xxxxxxx // crafting stations
0x00000002 - // characters, todo: see how much to reserve for each(increment) 0x00000003
0x00000004 - // player vendors 0x00000006
0x00000007 - // player mounts 0x00000008
0x00000009 - // player ships 0x0000000A
0x0000000B // static npcs(trainers,junk vendors)
0x0000000B0xxxxxxx // trainers, increment by 2(object,inventory) 0x0000000B1xxxxxxx // filler NPCs, increment by 2(object,inventory) 0x0000000B2xxxxxxx // shuttles, increment by 2(object,inventory) 0x0000000B3xxxxxxx // junk vendors, increment by 2(object,inventory)
0x0000000C // guilds
0x0000000D - // mails 0x0000000E
0x0000000F // unused
0x00000010 - // missions 0x0000001A
0x0000001b - // quests, todo: check, probably those are fixed ids 0x0000001f
0x00000020 - // waypoints 0x0000002f
0x00000030 - // auctions 0x000000ff
0x00000100 // resource containers
0x00000200 // resources
0x00000201 - // dynamic structures(buildings,cells) 0x00000fff
0x00000201xxxxxxxx // tutorial stations
0x00001000 // lairs
0x00001001 - // dynamic npc 0x00001fff
0x00002000 - // space objects(jtl) 0x0000ffff
0x00010000 - // tangible objects(items) 0x000fffff
0x0001xxxxxxxxxxxx - 0x0002xxxxxxxxxxxx // wearables 0x0003xxxxxxxxxxxx - 0x0004xxxxxxxxxxxx // foods 0x0005xxxxxxxxxxxx - 0x0006xxxxxxxxxxxx // furniture 0x00070xxxxxxxxxxx // tickets 0x00071xxxxxxxxxxx // crafting tools 0x00072xxxxxxxxxxx // survey tools
0x00100000 // persistent chatrooms 0x00100001 // temporary chatrooms(groups) 0x00100002 // guild chatrooms 0x00100003 // other user chatrooms
0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // draft schematics, first for byte of the id are the crc of the schematicobject, so they shouldnt be smaller than 0x0xxxxxxx , last 4 byte represent the linked resourceweights batch
object ids:
on static objects:
category 0x00000000
- starts with 2 - inrement by 1, e.g. by 1 + cellcount for structures
Most are already ripped from the snapshots, you can find em in the static_objects tables. So there are big holes, probably need to fill up that stuff with ids for chairs and other stuff from the ilf files. Unfortunately those arent id'd and so can only be identified by their position.
category 0x00000001
- start with 1 - inrement by 1, e.g. by 1 + cellcount for structures
To sum it up.
Use linear id'ing for: static_objects,characters,vendors,trainers,mounts,ships,static npc,guilds,mails, draft schematics,resources,skills,player structures,chatrooms
use random number id'ing for missions,auctions,lairs,dynamic npc,items,
On Character/NPC id'ing, from what i understand right now, plz correct me.
1. the character id would be the creature object id, so the main objects id, which we send with createobject(). 2. with a containment msg this creature object is put into a player object, which id, lets say
is a fixed offset from that creatureobject id
3. from there on we send updates to the client, creature specific(CREOs), referencing this creatureobject id and
player specific(PLAYs), referencing the offset player id
4. procedure would be the same for npc 5. non npc -> creatures, dont need PLAY updates 6. we have an inventory object, which is set off from the creatureobject id 7. we have a mission_bag object, which is set off from the creatureobject id 8. we have a weaponslot object, which is set off from the creatureobject id 9. we have a hair object which is set off from the creatureobject id
On Object <-> cell linking
Currently it seems, we only need to send a containment msg when we want to load in to a cell. The linked id would be the creatureobject id. Linktype would be 0xffffffff. No containment msgs are sent, when entering/leaving a cell while in game So this needs further testing..