Declaring Faction status POST-Pub 13.1 (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Declaring Faction status POST-Pub 13.1

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Declaring Faction status POST-Pub 13.1 (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Patch 14 Examples
gcw_status_change /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string GCW STATUS CHANGE CONFIRMATION Patch 14 Examples
gcw_status_change_overt /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string You are changing your GCW Status to 'Special Forces'. This transition will take 5 minutes. It will allow you to attack and be attacked by hostile players and NPC's.Type YES in this box to confirm the change. Patch 14 Examples
gcw_status_change_covert /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string You are changing your GCW Status to 'Combatant'. This transition will take 30 seconds. It will allow you to attack and be attacked by enemy NPC's. Type YES in this box to confirm the change. Patch 14 Examples
handle_go_covert /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string You will be flagged as a Combatant in 30 seconds. Patch 14 Examples
abort_field_change /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string You cancel your factional change. Patch 14 Examples
cannot_change_from_combatant_in_field /string/en/ gcw.stf internal_command_string You cannot change you status to combatant in the field. Go talk to a faction recruiter. Patch 14 Examples
declare_overt_not_aligned /string/en/ player_faction.stf internal_command_string You must be a faction combatant to use this command. Patch 14 Examples
declare_overt_bad_loc /string/en/ player_faction.stf internal_command_string You must be within 50m, or inside, a friendly player-placed faction headquarters to use this command. Patch 14 Examples
declare_overt_success /string/en/ player_faction.stf internal_command_string You successfully join the special forces. You may now be attacked by opposing faction members. Patch 14 Examples