New player - Droid (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - New player - Droid

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New player - Droid (Game Messages)

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

General Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
help_please_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Help Patch 12 Examples
no_help_needed_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string No Patch 12 Examples
droid_greeting_begin_01 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [beep... clik... zwing... bweep... beep] Greetings, Patch 12 Examples
yes_please_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Yes Patch 12 Examples
not_now_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Not Now Patch 12 Examples
general_greeting_prose_01 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [beep... clik] Greetings %TO. Patch 12 Examples
delayed_accepting_quest /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [boop...bleep..bleep... whir... clik] Very well. When you are ready to begin, simply use my radial menu. When you click on me and the radial menu appears, hover over the menu option labeled "Profession Quests" and then choose the submenu for the profession about which you are ready to learn.  And remember that I am authorized to reward you for your progress as you complete these tasks. If I'm ever needed but not out by your side, you may call me from my control device in your datapad. Simply open your datapad (CTRL-D) and then select the control device with my name. It will be in the "Data" tab in your datapad. Click on my control device and use the radial menu choice to "Call" me. Patch 12 Examples
give_quest_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Quest Patch 12 Examples
thank_you_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Close Patch 12 Examples
menu_quests /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Profession Quests Patch 12 Examples
submenu_brawler /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Brawler Patch 12 Examples
submenu_marksman /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Marksman Patch 12 Examples
submenu_scout /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Scout Patch 12 Examples
submenu_artisan /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Artisan Patch 12 Examples
submenu_entertainer /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Entertainer Patch 12 Examples
submenu_medic /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Medic Patch 12 Examples
heavy_axe_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Axe Patch 12 Examples
survival_knife_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Knife Patch 12 Examples
wooden_staff_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Staff Patch 12 Examples
cdef_pistol_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Pistol Patch 12 Examples
cdef_rifle_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Rifle Patch 12 Examples
cdef_carbine_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Carbine Patch 12 Examples
continue_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Continue Patch 12 Examples
credits_reward /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %DI credits have been deposited into your bank account. Patch 12 Examples
okay_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Okay Patch 12 Examples
new_player_vehicle_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A Vehicle Rental Device Patch 12 Examples
new_player_vehicle_coupon_d /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Using this device will upload a rental vehicle device to your datapad. When you first use this vehicle rental device, a vehicle control device will be placed in your datapad, and your rental vehicle will be called for the first time for you to ride. Thereafter to call your rental vehicle, use the vehicle control device in your datapad (CTRL-D). Your rental vehicle can be called 5 times before the rental contract expires. Once the vehicle is called, you may ride it at will until it is stored again. Remember that when you first use this device, your rental vehicle is called for the first time which will then leave you with 4 more opportunities to call and use it. Patch 12 Examples
new_player_cloning_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A Cloning Facility Authorization Release Patch 12 Examples
new_player_cloning_coupon_d /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string This cloning facility authorization release can be used to store your clone data at a cloning facility at no cost. It may only be used once. When you use a cloning terminal to store your clone data at a cloning facility, you will be given the option of using this authorization release instead of paying the fee. Patch 12 Examples
new_player_travel_coupon_d /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string This travel voucher can be used to purchase a shuttleport or starport ticket at no cost. It may only be used once. When you use a travel terminal to purchase a travel ticket, you will be given the option of using this travel voucher to pay for the ticket. Patch 12 Examples
new_player_travel_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A Travel Voucher Patch 12 Examples
refused_quest_help /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [bweep...bleep..blip... zonk... tweet] Very well. If you need help, simply use my radial menu. When you click on me and the radial menu appears, hover over the menu option labeled "Profession Quests" and then choose the submenu for the profession about which you are ready to learn.  And remember that I am authorized to reward you for your progress as you complete these tasks. If I'm ever needed but not out by your side, you may call me from my control device in your datapad. Simply open your datapad (CTRL-D) and then select the control device with my name. It will be in the "Data" tab in your datapad. Click on my control device and use the radial menu choice to "Call" me. Patch 12 Examples
lets_start_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Start Patch 12 Examples
help_now_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Help Patch 12 Examples
given_survey_device /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A mineral survey device has been added to your inventory. Patch 12 Examples
given_crafting_tool /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A generic crafting tool has been added to your inventory. Patch 12 Examples
given_slitherhorn /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A slitherhorn has been added to your inventory. Patch 12 Examples
default_cancel_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Cancel Patch 12 Examples
default_okay_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Okay Patch 12 Examples
default_revert_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Revert Patch 12 Examples
default_text /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Warning... I have nothing to say. Patch 12 Examples
given_cloning_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A cloning facility authorization release has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details. Patch 12 Examples
given_travel_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A travel voucher has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details. Patch 12 Examples
given_vehicle_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A vehicle rental device has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details. Patch 12 Examples
profession_quest_menus /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Select the submenu under Profession Quests for the profession in which you are interested. Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_reward_01 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[bleep... whir... zing... boop... razz] Well done in completing your %TT task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of %DI credits." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_no_reward_01 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[bleep... whir... boop] Well done in completing your %TT task." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_reward_02 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[bwoop... whir... zing... boop... razz] Excellent job in completing your %TT task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of %DI credits." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_reward_03 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... zing... boop... bleep... razz] Your %TT task is complete. Very good. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of %DI credits." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_reward_04 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... zing... boop... razz... whir] You have completed your %TT task and have been granted bonus Experience Points plus a reward of %DI credits." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_reward_05 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... bleep... zing... boop... razz] You have done well and completed your %TT task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of %DI credits." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_no_reward_02 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[bwoop... whir... boop] Excellent job in completing your %TT task." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_no_reward_03 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... boop... bleep] Your %TT task is complete. Very good." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_no_reward_04 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... boop... whir] You have completed your %TT task." Patch 12 Examples
task_complete_no_reward_05 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string %TU tells you "[whir... bleep... boop] You have done well and completed your %TT task." Patch 12 Examples
general_greeting_prose_02 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [bwoop... clik] Hello %TO. Patch 12 Examples
general_greeting_prose_03 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [tweet... clik] Salutations %TO. Patch 12 Examples
droid_greeting_end /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string I am your helper droid and will be helping you to learn more about any of the Starting Professions you wish to undertake. I have downloaded some tasks to help you get started. Would you like to begin? Patch 12 Examples
droid_greeting_begin_02 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [bwoop... clik... zwing... bweep... beep] Hello, Patch 12 Examples
droid_greeting_begin_03 /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [tweet... clik... zwing... bweep... beep] Salutations, Patch 12 Examples
general_combat_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Combat Patch 12 Examples
general_entertainer_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Entertainer Info Patch 12 Examples
general_medic_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Healing Info Patch 12 Examples
calling_stored_helper_droid /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [zwoop... blip... clik... bweep] When I have been stored, you may call me from my control device in your datapad. Simply open your datapad (CTRL-D) and then select the control device with my name. It will be in the "Data" tab in your datapad. Click on my control device and use the radial menu choice to "Call" me. If I'm currently in the world somewhere, instead of a "Call" menu option, you will see a "Store" menu option. You can use this choice to store me in my control device. Patch 12 Examples
vehicle_coupon_menu_call /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Call Rental Vehicle Patch 12 Examples
vehicle_coupon_is_not_owner /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string You are not authorized to use this rental device. Patch 12 Examples
vehicle_coupon_no_owner /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string This is an invaild rental device. Patch 12 Examples
given_fireworks /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string A firework device has been placed in your inventory. Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Using A Travel Voucher Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_use_text_option /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Would you like to: - Use your Travel Voucher to purchase this ticket? - Or pay the fee to purchase this ticket? Ticket Price: Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_use_coupon_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Use Voucher Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_pay_credits_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Pay Fee Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_invaild /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Warning: Travel Voucher is invalid. Aborting travel ticket purchase... Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_use_text_no_money /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Would you like to use your Travel Voucher to purchase this ticket? Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_cancelled /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Ticket purchase cancelled. Patch 12 Examples
travel_coupon_cancel_button /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Cancel Patch 12 Examples
listbox_no_selection /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Please select one of the professions in the list before clicking on "Okay". Patch 12 Examples
droid_prompt_end /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string and welcome back. I am, as always, at your service. If I may be of assistance, simply select the profession you want and then click on the "Okay" button. Patch 12 Examples
inventory_full /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string [beep... zip... bwoop... clik] You have no space in your inventory. Please make some room and then use my radial menu to try again when you are ready. Patch 12 Examples
completed_first_task /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Congratulations on completing your first ever task! If you wish to celebrate, you can use these fireworks. Patch 12 Examples
completed_second_task /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Whoo, you're on  roll! Here's an authorization release for any cloning facility... it lets you bind once for free. Enjoy! Patch 12 Examples
completed_first_profession /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Well done! You've completed an entire profession's set of tasks. As a reward, take this vehicle rental. Have fun! Patch 12 Examples
completed_third_task /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string You're doing great! Here's a travel voucher. Use it to get a free shuttleport or spaceport ticket! Wow! Patch 12 Examples
submenu_cloning /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Cloning Patch 12 Examples
submenu_travel /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Traveling Patch 12 Examples
submenu_vehicle /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string Vehicle Use Patch 12 Examples
menu_other /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string General Help Patch 12 Examples
droid_periodic_check_end /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string I am merely checking to see if you might be in need of assistance. If so, you need simply select the profession with which you would like help and then click on the "Okay" button. Patch 12 Examples
counter_not_update /string/en/ new_player.stf internal_command_string         (Please note that as you progress in this task,         the counter will not update without being re-opened.) Patch 12 Examples

Starting dialogue and Medic quest


22:08:07 A control device has been added to your datapad.
22:08:07 ErintheGaelic Darkslasher says, "not sure...don't know if anyone is there to induct us right now or not"
22:08:11 R2-Q3 (a helper R2 unit) says, "[tweet... clik] Salutations Lachewoli."
22:09:02 R2-Q3 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[bwoop... whir... zing... boop... razz] Excellent job in completing your Medic task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of 100 credits."
22:09:02 Congratulations on completing your first ever task! If you wish to celebrate, you can use these fireworks.
22:09:02 A firework device has been placed in your inventory.
22:09:03 You receive 60 points of Medical experience.
22:09:03 Bank transaction successfully completed.

22:12:03 R2-Q3 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[whir... zing... boop... bleep... razz] Your Medic task is complete. Very good. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of 100 credits."
22:12:03 Whoo, you're on roll! Here's an authorization release for any cloning facility... it lets you bind once for free. Enjoy!
22:12:03 A cloning facility authorization release has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details.
22:12:03 You receive 70 points of Medical experience.
22:12:03 Bank transaction successfully completed.

Scout quest


22:25:45 R2-M4 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[bwoop... whir... zing... boop... razz] Excellent job in completing your Scout task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of 100 credits."
22:25:45 Congratulations on completing your first ever task! If you wish to celebrate, you can use these fireworks.
22:25:45 A firework device has been placed in your inventory.
22:25:45 You receive 66 points of Scouting experience.
22:25:45 Bank transaction successfully completed.

22:30:16 R2-M4 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[whir... zing... boop... razz... whir] You have completed your Scout task and have been granted bonus Experience Points plus a reward of 100 credits."
22:30:16 Whoo, you're on roll! Here's an authorization release for any cloning facility... it lets you bind once for free. Enjoy!
22:30:16 A cloning facility authorization release has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details.
22:30:16 You receive 77 points of Scouting experience.
22:30:16 Bank transaction successfully completed.

22:31:11 Please wait while the crafting station produces the finished prototype.
22:31:14 A prototype object is finished being created and has been placed in your inventory.
22:31:15 R2-M4 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[bleep... whir... zing... boop... razz] Well done in completing your Scout task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of 100 credits."
22:31:15 You're doing great! Here's a travel voucher. Use it to get a free shuttleport or spaceport ticket! Wow!
22:31:15 A travel voucher has been placed in your inventory. Examine it for more details.
22:31:15 You receive 77 points of Scouting experience.
22:31:15 Bank transaction successfully completed.

22:31:41 You begin to deploy the camping kit.
22:31:41 You have entered Ektodoni Oconeprav's Camp.
22:31:41 While in the camp, medics and entertainers can heal your wounds.
22:31:41 R2-M4 (a helper R2 unit) tells you "[bleep... whir... zing... boop... razz] Well done in completing your Scout task. You have been granted bonus Experience Points and a reward of 100 credits."
22:31:41 You receive 50 points of Wilderness Survival experience.
22:31:41 Bank transaction successfully completed.

22:35:16 On a normal droid, clicking "Droid Options" will default to the recharge option.
You must have a droid battery in your inventory for this to work.