Aarakyd Probe Example 19 (Example)

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Revision as of 16:29, 11 August 2009 by Ready (Talk | contribs) (New page: C:\AnhWork\All-Logs\newfile1\OfficeSpace\Bloodfin 01:46:28 Biological Signature Received:<br> 01:46:28 Niga Ackomi (a SpyNet operative) gabs, quite calm and sedate, " Always a pleasure ...)

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01:46:28 Biological Signature Received:
01:46:28 Niga Ackomi (a SpyNet operative) gabs, quite calm and sedate, " Always a pleasure to help a distinguished bounty hunter such as yourself! Your quarry this time has gone to ground, and you'll need this biological signature for your probe droids. I'm sure it'll be no problem for someone like you though."
01:46:41 You have left Kaadara.
01:46:55 Probe Droid request received. Prepping capsule for launch. ETA 20 seconds.
01:47:16 Probe Droid Launched. Prepare for arrival in 5.
01:47:18 4
01:47:20 3
01:47:22 2
01:47:24 1
01:47:31 Probe Droid has landed and is awaiting biological signature programming.
01:47:48 Target data received. Commencing interplanetary search pattern. This may take a few minutes...
01:47:57 You have entered Kaadara.
01:48:13 You have been dismounted from the jetpack, and it has been stored.
01:48:26 Batche Dime says, " Disbanding now. Please invite me in 5 seconds."
01:49:19 Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated.
01:49:19 Your target has been located on Tatooine.
01:49:52 The container you were inspecting, CrudPuppy (inventory), is no longer available.
01:50:00 You have left Kaadara.
01:50:00 You have entered Mos Eisley.
01:50:12 Logging In [Tue Aug 30 01:50:12 2005]
01:50:13 You have entered Mos Eisley.
01:50:30 You have lost the target, closing interface.
01:50:33 Biological scan received. Commencing planetary seach pattern.
01:50:58 You successfully make a payment of 1400 credits to the Galactic Travel Commission.
01:51:04 You have gone out of range of Starship Terminal, closing interface.
01:51:11 The container you were inspecting, CrudPuppy (inventory), is no longer available.
01:51:12 An unknown error has occured during a container transfer.
01:51:12 You have left Mos Eisley.
01:51:24 Channel listing complete.
01:51:27 You have entered Mos Entooine (Metropolis).
01:51:48 You have left Mos Entooine.
01:52:25 Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated.
01:52:25 Your probe droid will continue to report last known target location.
01:52:35 You have been dismounted from the jetpack, and it has been stored.
01:52:48 Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated.
01:52:48 Your probe droid will continue to report last known target location.
01:53:11 Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated.
01:53:11 Your probe droid will continue to report last known target location.
01:53:34 Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated.
01:53:34 Your probe droid will continue to report last known target location.
01:53:35 Mission complete! Your reward of 30971 has been placed in your bank account.
01:53:41 You have completely looted the corpse of all items.
01:53:43 You cannot call a vehicle while moving.
01:53:43 You looted 1249 credits.