From SWGANH Wiki
Variable DescriptionsOpperand_Count = 4 Opcode = 6CD2FCD8
Always be SWG.
The name of the Server.
Name of the friend that goes online/offline.
0: is offline. 1: is online. |
Sample Packet
03 00 //Opcode Count D8 FC D2 6C //ChatFriendsListUpdate 03 00 //String Count 53 57 47 //SWG 0A 00 //String Count 53 68 61 64 6F 77 66 69 72 65 //Shadowfire 09 00 //String Count 74 69 6A 61 69 72 61 75 6E //tijairaun 00 // Online Status 0 = off 1 = on 00 BD 8B