CommandQueueEnqueue (00000116)

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Client Packet - CommandQueueEnqueue (00000116)

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


INT ActionCounter
INT CommandCRC
U_STRING CommandOperands

Variable Descriptions

controllerID = 00000116

  • ActionCounter:
A counter for each action, incremented by 1.
  • CommandCRC:
SWGCRC of the lowercase command executed. (CRC List Below)
  • TargetID:
The ObjID of the target.
Will also appear in an Opperand.
  • CommandOpperands:
Unicode String containing the opperands to the command, seperated by spaces.
1. argument: index of the schematic, sent in the Draftschematic list

Ex. "98349834 -255 "


OCM This header is part of the ObjControllerMessage.

100% This packet has been completely reversed.

Navigational Bar


CRC List


Command CRC %
aborthyperspace F258A016
actionshot1 484536A1
actionshot2 45061078
activate 01E5156C
activateclone EA69C1BD
activatequest 61B2EC70
addallowedplayer F1B97054
addbannedplayer 5DE7ABE4
addfriend 2A2357ED
addignore 929AD345
addmaplocation 124249A4
adjustlotcount 0D617CF4
aiignore E6C2E97D
aim A0A107F8
alert 23DAB842
animalattack A7E89355
animalcalm 22E1565B
animalscare E001C174
anon D40D5142
applydisease AF5E4D90
applypoison E08596DB
applypowerup AB559978
areatrack AA4E8A8C
assigndroid 6B5C8AE3
assignplayerformation A810CCBF
assist 2555B593
associatedroidcontroldevicewithship A31DCD1D
attack A8FEF90A
auction 74C7588E
auctionaccept 81E9BDD7
auctionbid F34D4523
auctioncancel 95778039
auctioncreate B71FFF08
auctionquery 06DE6A3A
auctionretrieve 7D09AE79
auctionsay 188B3F25
auctionuse D5E6913F
avoidincapacitation 000E0422


Command CRC %
bandflourish F4C60EC3
battlefieldstatus DE290701
berserk1 0E212D37
berserk2 03620BEE
bet 037CBBF5
bleedingshot E5B4D271
blindattack 3187E875
boardshuttle 5DCD41A2
bodyshot1 E3F9C921
bodyshot2 EEBAEFF8
bodyshot3 EA7BF24F
boosteroff 535E8BF5
boosteron B1673D93
boostertoggle 63B19179
boostmorale D29DEA7E
broadcast 99BD8693
broadcastarea 2B12263F
broadcastgalaxy 5AD7B5CE
broadcastplanet EB0B6D6B
bstrike1 A48AD783
bstrike2 A9C9F15A
bstrike3 AD08ECED
burstrun FC3D1CB2
burstshot1 3881333D
burstshot2 35C215E4


Command CRC %
cancelcraftingsession 83250E2A
centerofbeing 5997AC66
changebandmusic 798E29AB
changedance 13EE2D35
changemusic B5220E24
channelforce 2D8F25D8
chargeshot1 109F8ACF
chargeshot2 1DDCAC16
chatterspeech 96CEA7A7
checkforcestatus D2E938DB
cityban ABB91A5E
cityinfo 5E78B295
citypardon B0CF1123
claimveteranreward BD9CE275
clearcompletedquest 1A5326C5
clearveteranreward 78F9FAE5
clientqualifiedforskill 7A48C5F6
clone 2B597541
closecontainer 310A90F6
closewings 9B331451
colorlights B008CBFA
combat 83D46032
combatescape B40022F0
combatmodecheck 23D7CED5
combatspam 10135284
combattarget E8B7C50E
comm C47E6DCA
completequest B8CDE364
componentdetail 7ABE10A9
con 4B85C789
conceal 1F0512D5
concealshot 5A70C24B
confusionshot A1E4559D
consent 3F8F3496
consider 71AB9319
conversationstart F0C4930E
conversationstop D6137AAF
corpse 77E07955
counterattack 74A64749
coupdegrace 7248FF7F
craft 2DC6AE8B
createcreature 3C55EC9F
createmanfschematic F4B66795
createmissionelement 8B2FA3D8
createnpc EE641AEA
createprototype D61FF415
createspawningelement B60558BF
createspawningelementwithdifficulty 501915C5
createvendor EDEFCEAA
creatureareaattack 646D1585
creatureareableeding 04FA9AD4
creatureareacombo 23F7FECB
creatureareadisease A8DF722F
creatureareaknockdown 46D54527
creatureareapoison B8DC88A2
credits 7B6511CF
cripplingshot E68A8B94
csappendcomment 056F2F16
csacancelticket 4C9DB464
csaconnectplayer 783176AE
cscreateticker 58084BCB
csdisconnectplayer 8F53A7CD
csgetarticle 723517B6
csgetcomments 812943B1
csgettickets AC832BB7
csrequestcategories 48EFA813
cssearchknowledgebase E8C0E45D
cuiconsentresponse 782C4D16
curedisease E994DE9C
curepoison 1754A3E5
customizedroid 07B4E2B6
customizevehicle E04F2807


Command CRC %
database 536B6FC1
dazzle 9C7713A5
deactivate 7619BFA6
deactivatequest C07C5E53
deathblow E5F3B39B
deathcount 121CC45A
debugexamine E4E05CD3
declareovert C8285701
declareresidence F59E3CE1
decline 43E1F84F
decline 43E1F84F
defaultattack 399EA293
defuseminefield 740C059C
delegatefactionpoints 0F13C662
denyservice 180AB134
deploytrap A5D6DCAF
destroy 74EF9BE3
destroyobject 1C268AFB
destroystructure 18FC1726
destroytarget 6DD1C712
detonatedroid 23F2C5AE
diagnose DC7CF134
disabletarget B19FED3D
disarmingshot1 D4DA2068
disarmingshot2 D99906B1
disband 46D22D3A
dismissgroupmember 2F50053B
dismount 06F978ED
dismountandstore 3025A550
distract 2434AC3A
diveshot 857FCDD0
dizzyattack 8825B1B6
dock ADE422E7
doubletap EB830578
dragincapacitatedplayer 273A06DA
drainforce 5DFF0378
droid 2DA5ECED
drop 1027E2DE
duel 468B3802
dumppausedcommands 6601CD83
dumptargetinformation 9FC96597
dumpzoneinformation C2793011



Command CRC %
eat 4353DDC9
echo 93890429
editappearance 807E2524
editbank BD098DBA
editbankaccount 4C234852
editbiography E019D461
editdatapad DEB74E40
editinventory 8F9F1D48
editstats E235DDDE
eject 018905D2
emboldenpets 58F5818C
emptymail CF1E81EA
emptymailtarget 9D3CFA64
endduel 34C0ADD2
enragepets DEA1F466
epulse1 7F8D1478
epulse2 72CE32A1
epulse3 760F2F16
equilibrium 081D6710
equip 4B3461E4
escapepod B38F5F2C
eshields 57AAF097
ethrust A4E9C952
eweapons FE48CAFF
examine 5A485C9C
examineobjvars 3BD67FEE
executeknowledgebasemessage A13D2779
extinguishfire DF49EA58
extractobject F62E35BA
eyeshot 3494A88E


Command CRC %
factorycratesplit 8BBB0B89
fanshot 10921EDB
fastblast 275E22C9
feigndeath 4906C303
find 3017FFB6
findfriend 30BE6EE9
findfriend 30BE6EE9
findmytrainer C1841C42
findobject 4017CC64
findplayer EF29C240
fireacidcone1 3A5427FE
fireacidcone2 37170127
fireacidsingle1 EC009F1F
fireacidsingle2 E143B9C6
fireheavyweapon A04EB6B8
firejet 35ED32BE
firelightningcone1 CA4066A9
firelightningcone2 C7034070
firelightningsingle1 017A2B52
firelightningsingle2 0C390D8B
firstaid D5F85133
fish 083F5CE6
flamecone1 D5ACD94F
flamecone2 D8EFFF96
flamesingle1 E3EF3074
flamesingle2 EEAC16AD
flashspeeder D0CF989C
flourish C8998CE9
flurryshot1 471EAC17
flurryshot2 4A5D8ACE
flushingshot1 60CE31D9
flushingshot2 6D8D1700
follow 40FA971A
forage 494F9F80
forceabsorb1 12F561A0
forceabsorb2 1FB64779
forcearmor1 8EC31B36
forcearmor2 83803DEF
forcechoke 4B0A9D33
forcecommand 518110FE
forcecuredisease 0288BA78
forcecurepoison 99EA3DC1
forcefeedback1 966BB324
forcefeedback2 9B2895FD
forceintimidate1 BD0584A0
forceintimidate2 B046A279
forceknockdown1 68E60EE9
forceknockdown2 65A52830
forceknockdown3 61643587
forcelightningcone1 C1A411E6
forcelightningcone2 CCE7373F
forcelightningsingle1 583B6776
forcelightningsingle2 557841AF
forcemeditate BD40A262
forceofwill 2EF7EE38
forceprotection 1BC3F041
forceresistbleeding BE92679A
forceresistdisease CBC4FC32
forceresistpoison 544F3691
forceresiststates CB9CDFE5
forcerun1 97640B97
forcerun2 9A272D4E
forcerun3 9EE630F9
forceshield1 62A2B941
forceshield2 6FE19F98
forcespeed1 9DD18562
forcespeed2 9092A3BB
forcethrow1 9A6A843E
forcethrow2 9729A2E7
forceweaken1 A8BDB9D8
forceweaken2 A5FE9F01
formup AB9FFCA3
freezeplayer B13962B4
friend D7F65866
friendcomment 539F5547
friendgroup 4E45FA46
friendlist 7DFC3C4B
fullautoarea1 8D1B984E
fullautoarea2 8058BE97
fullautosingle1 BAE4F3DB
fullautosingle2 B7A7D502


Command CRC %
g 0315D6D9
gallop B69281F8
gallopstop 89DE339C
gc 08845FDC
gcwstatus 92B69BC5
generatecrafteditem 1B63276D
getaccountinfo 72D75CE6
getattributes DD24C538
getattributesbatch 164550EF
getfriendlist EF21F9CE
getgametime CE8165C7
getignorelist 788BA6A3
getmaplocations 6D444DB2
getobjvars A114F5E7
getplayerid CC9A61AB
getprototype 7D017BD1
getrank 16737023
getspawndelays 0ACE9710
getstationname D4B79A04
getveteranrewardtime 225AB015
getveteranrewardtimecs 66E870FD
giveitem 8B36DD88
givemaintenancetovendor 8114B4C6
givevendormaint 2832B625
gmcreateclassresource ACD32ADD
gmcreatespecificresource B2F11EFC
gmforcecommand 5D403FA4
gmforcerank C17D6BA9
gmfsvillage A6C9207A
gmjedistate B057A857
gmrevive 9D3185F2
goto F909033C
grantbadge 2C373D3F
grantpadawantrialseligibility 9EB55B90
grantskill 710D7240
granttitle 01C83351
grantzoningrights 017CBBA9
groupchat 68851C4F
groupsay F5D6AF9C
gsay 3CDFF0CC
gtell 8A1C105D
guild 79DEB176
guildremove 1E0B1E43
guildsay 47948A6D
guildstatus 7FB93E65


Command CRC %
harmful B2A3ACBC
harmless BEBCAFFD
harvestcorpse 029D0CC5
harvesteractivate CE645C94
harvesterdeactivate 2C61CB03
harvesterdiscardhopper C89B9E26
harvestergetresourcedata F096C059
harvesterharvest 9A35978E
harvestermakecrate 9F7152E5
harvesterselectresource FF549D14
harvestertakesurvey 7EE9D72B
hasveteranreward 1856AC61
haveconsent B93A3853
headshot1 80F6AB48
headshot2 8DB58D91
headshot3 89749026
healactionself1 8BCFC965
healactionself2 868CEFBC
healactionwoundother1 7F091BDA
healactionwoundother2 724A3D03
healactionwoundself1 2D33AC6C
healactionwoundself2 20708AB5
healallother1 9FFECF2E
healallother2 92BDE9F7
healallself1 1132654E
healallself2 1C714397
healbattlefatigueother1 B2C6E8A9
healbattlefatigueother2 BF85CE70
healbattlefatigueself1 C3074419
healbattlefatigueself2 CE4462C0
healdamage 0A9F00A0
healdroiddamage A6C04AED
healdroidwound BD3F41F3
healenhance EEE029CF
healhealthself1 AFC151D3
healhealthself2 A282770A
healhealthwoundother1 EEEE94CA
healhealthwoundother2 E3ADB213
healhealthwoundself1 9F16F755
healhealthwoundself2 9255D18C
healmind DFAC57EE
healmindself1 77754ACC
healmindself2 7A366C15
healmindwoundother1 21BB7ADA
healmindwoundother2 2CF85C03
healmindwoundself1 2D6D1E0D
healmindwoundself2 202E38D4
healpet 39BA2BC9
healstate 4A386BD5
healstatesother 6831F67A
healstatesself 2E286256
healthshot1 6C4BAE17
healthshot2 610888CE
healwound 2087CE04
hideme 6232B1F7
holoemote E8C45452
hyperspace 85F5997C
hyperspacemap ABAFA033


Command CRC %
iffscramble 2705E819
imagedesign DFC959BA
initializecomponent BECC91ED
innate 886B8CC9
insertitemintoshipcomponentslot 67CF2A82
inspacereload E6D31180
inspacerepair 4211B296
inspacerr B1975E3B
inspect 1FF06E67
installmissionterminal 3BB700F3
installshipcomponent 031BA726
insure D9332A18
intimidate1 5619E044
intimidate2 5B5AC69D
intimidationattack CEA90361
invite 88505D58
invulnerable C90C1FC7
itemmail 1787B16E
itemmoveback 67AC3903
itemmovedown EFE50324
itemmoveforward B8EFFE04
itemmoveup F6A83A09
itemrotateleft 3816AE47
itemrotateright 8DFC28AB


Command CRC %
jedimindtrick ED1E2488
join A99E6807
joingame F33D77EB
jstart1 1A46A2AB
jstart2 17058472
jstart3 13C499C5


Command CRC %
kick 4C5FAF94
kill EF9FC2B9
killplayer B7826F43
kipupshot 5394D72D
kneel 01B48B26
knockdownattack 5AE44159
knockdownfire CCE2DC56


Command CRC %
lag 0D1CE8DF
langauge 43B237D9
lastditch 29D6FF40
launchcountermeasure 2F0A16C2
launchfirework ED8F809E
launchintospace 41151DBE
launchmissile 74D1BA90
leavegame 38779B56
leavegroup 5061D654
leavestation 24C502EA
legshot1 27308FFD
legshot2 2A73A924
legshot3 2EB2B493
lfg 3AD396A5
lightenginescramble 2E9976A4
listactivequests 37972261
listcompletedquests 7F8B13AC
listen 5855BB1B
listguilds 1B24C1E3
logchat EEDB4013
logout 03B65950
lootaicorpse BA2C632D
lootall 3CD5C98D
lootplayercorpse 54BCBDFA
lowblow D4DBBC99


Command CRC %
macro 783C897C
mailsave 509B4333
makeleader 939AD584
makesurvey 9C829DC5
manageshipcomponents 5A54DFCF
manufacture DB3642F1
maskscent B0F4C4B6
matchspeed EAF23345
maxcombatability 92B8F722
maxstats 2ECD50C4
medicalforage C6132B18
meditate 124629F2
melee1hblindhit1 362CFC22
melee1hblindhit2 3B6FDAFB
melee1hbodyhit1 CE565BFF
melee1hbodyhit2 C3157D26
melee1hbodyhit3 C7D46091
melee1hdizzyhit1 64E2D561
melee1hdizzyhit2 69A1F3B8
melee1hhealthhit1 0EEFD0F6
melee1hhealthhit2 03ACF62F
melee1hhit1 584E5D11
melee1hhit2 550D7BC8
melee1hhit3 51CC667F
melee1hlunge1 04DC1571
melee1hlunge2 099F33A8
melee1hscatterhit1 5BB4F3A0
melee1hscatterhit2 56F7D579
melee1hspinattack1 BB88156A
melee1hspinattack2 B6CB33B3
melee2harea1 8B172B04
melee2harea2 86540DDD
melee2harea3 8295106A
melee2hheadhit1 1934BC13
melee2hheadhit2 14779ACA
melee2hheadhit3 10B6877D
melee2hhit1 75364A99
melee2hhit2 78756C40
melee2hhit3 7CB471F7
melee2hlunge1 E83E702F
melee2hlunge2 E57D56F6
melee2hmindhit1 FAEE81FB
melee2hmindhit2 F7ADA722
melee2hspinattack1 86A5F2D2
melee2hspinattack2 8BE6D40B
melee2hsweep1 49BD34A6
melee2hsweep2 44FE127F
mindblast1 0B30AB2A
mindblast2 06738DF3
mindshot1 922143E8
mindshot2 9F626531
money 384F7CA2
mount E007BF31
movefurniture 4B74A403
multitargetpistolshot 4000FC87
multitargetshot E0445D34


Command CRC %
namestructure C367B461
nblast 6BABBA40
newbiehelper 441F4A3E
newbierequeststartinglocations FA2C0D37
newbieselectstartinglocation CF2D30F4
nextcraftingstage 6AD8ED4D
notepad B701254E
npc DFE19DC2
npcconversationselect 305EDE19
npcconversationstart 04CDAFCE
npcconversationstop 97D734FE


Command CRC %
object A75FFAEB
objvar 02C814AF
open D02E3793
openclosewings 81F2BE4A
opencontainer 70177586
opennewwindow 30DFB6E0
openwings BF3B2423
overchargeshot1 795D8310
overchargeshot2 741EA5C9
overrideactivemonths 0B3C0E92
overridepadawantrialseligibility 3C50F773


Command CRC %
panicshot 6AC22291
pausedance F4C96E0E
pausemusic 52054D1F
pawithdraw D5CF7EAF
paymaintenance E7E35B30
peace 4178FD6A
permissionlistmodify 896713F2
pickup DA6A091B
pilotship F4F3ECFF
pistolmeleedefense1 6E76C41F
pistolmeleedefense2 6335E2C6
placebattlefieldstructure 4BC4283B
placestructure 7AF26B0B
placestructuremode 07625BAA
planet 0A663698
planetsay B43480A0
planetwarp 4FAF568A
planetwarptarget 2D846185
pointblankarea1 FDCC0480
pointblankarea2 F08F2259
pointblanksingle1 5842294E
pointblanksingle2 55010F97
polearmactionhit1 43162C1F
polearmactionhit2 4E550AC6
polearmarea1 7E1EBEBA
polearmarea2 735D9863
polearmhit1 844E3AEC
polearmhit2 890D1C35
polearmhit3 8DCC0182
polearmleghit1 EBB64BF6
polearmleghit2 E6F56D2F
polearmleghit3 E2347098
polearmlunge1 7FD6584D
polearmlunge2 72957E94
polearmspinattack1 63319278
polearmspinattack2 6E72B4A1
polearmstun1 0F34EE28
polearmstun2 0277C8F1
polearmsweep1 DE551CC4
polearmsweep2 D3163A1D
posturedownattack B0CC9282
postureupattack E08D38E0
powerboost 8C2221CB
prone BD8D02AF
prone BD8D02AF
ptrap1 F0DFE388
ptrap2 FD9CC551
pumpreactor 2B422CEF
purchasereinforcement C55EE99C
purchaseticket BFF5BE51


Command CRC %
questjournal 8CF55935
quickheal 7AB1850D


Command CRC %
r 58C166C2
rally 637279EA
reconnecttotransferserver D256934B
recruitskilltrainer 5F42FB6E
regainconsciousness F279EA94
regeneration 53517288
registerwithlocation BC150016
reload 654D5405
reloadadmintable 639D2C84
remote 3A8DA863
removeallowedplayer 9ADC2DA2
removebannedplayer 360B20B4
removefriend 8E9091D7
removeignore 3629157F
renameplayer EA021AC4
repairbattlefieldstructure 58032E82
repairshipcomponentinslot A3EF8719
reply 0BAA2BBB
report 39EDB219
requestbadges CA604B86
requestbiography 1BAD8FFC
requestcharactermatch 8A19D7E1
requestcharactersheetinfo 887B5461
requestcoresample 9223C634
requestcraftingsession 094AC516
requestdraftslots 7BA11A26
requestdraftslotsbatch 5FD21EB0
requestmanfschematicslots 7E54D342
requestresourceweights EDBEC7D3
requestresourceweightsbatch 9A8B385C
requestsetstatmigrationdata E7407732
requestspacetrainer 4D77551A
requeststatmigrationdata 7AFCA539
requeststatmigrationstart 27EB1563
requeststatmigrationstop 2A78E14F
requeststimpack 37B794D7
requestsurvey C00CFA18
requestwaypointatposition 4982E17B
rescue 2F226EEE
resendloginmessagetoall B7ECEE73
resetjedi 9186331A
resource 4CD1BE27
resourcecontainersplit 74952854
resourcecontainertransfer F7262A75
resourcesetname 7BB617A1
ressampleloop 18C6E1CF
restartconversion D6E5174C
restartcraftingsession 709A0104
retell 5DBA9205
retreat 4871BBF4
reviveplayer C9759876
revokebadge F06A3BAF
revokeskill AD5074D0
roleplay 32871193
rollshot 03250B4D
rotatefurniture A8EB1D48
rtell 6037FA5F


Command CRC %
saber1hcombohit1 E7671D59
saber1hcombohit2 EA243B80
saber1hcombohit3 EEE52637
saber1hflurry A8F3F3AD
saber1hflurry2 48930003
saber1hheadhit1 354E8CC9
saber1hheadhit2 380DAA10
saber1hheadhit3 3CCCB7A7
saber1hhit1 9B9757C2
saber1hhit2 96D4711B
saber1hhit3 92156CAC
saber2hbodyhit1 E22C6B25
saber2hbodyhit2 EF6F4DFC
saber2hbodyhit3 EBAE504B
saber2hfrenzy 5DB5A3C5
saber2hhit1 B6EF404A
saber2hhit2 BBAC6693
saber2hhit3 BF6D7B24
saber2hphantom 1712E1DD
saber2hsweep1 C11D6447
saber2hsweep2 CC5E429E
saber2hsweep3 C89F5F29
saberpolearmdervish 0A45B8A1
saberpolearmdervish2 06756163
saberpolearmhit1 471423BA
saberpolearmhit2 4A570563
saberpolearmhit3 4E9618D4
saberpolearmleghit1 30D7DD42
saberpolearmleghit2 3D94FB9B
saberpolearmleghit3 3955E62C
saberpolearmspinattack1 EF9A22DF
saberpolearmspinattack2 E2D90406
saberpolearmspinattack3 E61819B1
saberslash1 B7F2D310
saberslash2 BAB1F5C9
saberthrow1 F8465559
saberthrow2 F5057380
saberthrow3 F1C46E37
sample 8D0C1504
sampledna D04917BE
scattershot1 AD866D55
scattershot2 A0C54B8C
script 8810AE3C
searchcorpse 0DBA1AA1
secretspawnspam 93E7E2C4
segoggles EC504E95
selectdraftschematic 89242E02
send 6E3CD283
sendformobjectdata 4C977970
server B1503FAC
serverasteroiddatalisten 791B9447
serverasteroiddatastoplistening 0CD55DC8
serverdestroyobject E7AEC4FB
serversysgroup D6EE77C2
setbiography FBE911E4
setbiographyadmin 4C0F453C
setboostmorale 54A1D3F1
setcharge F5275813
setcurrentskilltitle DB555329
setexperience 6C8339D5
setfaction 5E03E95F
setfactionstanding 72DF6A29
setfirstname A23DD6D4
setformup 131C8A88
setgodmode 6CAFFD66
sethue 24240C4C
setintimidate B3015C42
setlastname FC9639B5
setloginmessage 05998335
setlogintitle D58A94BA
setmatchmakingcharacterid EFB704CE
setmatchmakingpersonalid D63286B8
setmaximumspawntime 5D3777DB
setminimumspawntime 57471004
setmood 3BA18295
setmoodinternal 7759F35E
setname F5F33C69
setowner 491F42DB
setperformancebufftarget E78EAFDD
setpermission 6962E02A
setplanetlimit D9669EE2
setplayerappearance 6421CF22
setplayerstate 7307742A
setprivacy 786CC38E
setpublicstate A227BDB8
setrank C99D3A1C
setretreat 5031F032
setscale 21F883A2
setspeed ED69314A
setspokenlanguage AE2907E4
setsteadyaim 40E41390
settef 2D1BAFD2
setveteranreward 49719767
setwarcry 52620707
setwaypointactivestatus C3EDA6B6
setwaypointname 398F891A
setyaw 2890321F
showcouncilrank 6B998AD7
showdancevisuals B750344B
showfactioninformation E048F35D
showmusicianvisuals 0AD74DA3
shownetworkids 94FE5B05
showpvprating A6F95839
showspawnregion 5326EF87
sit D042BDF9
sitserver B719FA26
skill 32E10034
skills 60B0198B
smokebomb D536B419
snipershot 13CC58E1
snoop 9D5C2253
social 6A25F1AA
socialinternal 32CF1BEE
spatialchat EE540CF7
spatialchatinternal 7C8D63D4
spawn B3DDDF37
spawnstatus 4BFC6996
split A7F6CFD5
splitcreditswithgroup 8C6B7BBE
spotlight ED4AA746
sprayshot ABCD2684
stand A8A25C79
stand A8A25C79
startband FF455C54
startcityspawner 1AA3B42E
startdance 7B1DCBE0
startleshot1 04B23F7E
startleshot2 09F119A7
startmusic DDD1E8F1
startspawner 41B46E09
starttargetspawner 28E9A3FD
starttracelogging 29E4D3DA
stat 83F8502C
steadyaim A5BDBBA6
stopband 69ED1B98
stopbleeding 650449D9
stopcityspawner 6D394991
stopcraftingsession DE715A04
stopdance ECC171CC
stopfollow 26E9FBF2
stoplistening C2E4D4D0
stopmusic 4A0D52DD
stoppingshot 1673720C
stopspawner 7A1D8375
stoptargetspawner 99BAF1B6
stoptracelogging 4DEA2138
stopwatching 6651AD9A
strafeshot1 85B33F08
strafeshot2 88F019D1
structurestatus 13F7E585
stunattack 3283B778
suppressionfire1 F3F3D495
suppressionfire2 FEB0F24C
surpriseshot 61DC9EBA
surrenderskill 006A99F1
survey 19C9FAC1
synchronizeduilisten F9996AB6
synchronizeduistoplistening 7C158EFD
sysgroup 5D6A8C24
systemmessage 3DB3916B


Command CRC %
t 42472B70
takecover 3903080B
tame 03F6DC90
target D6A8B702
targetpilot AB1391E1
taunt 52342D60
teach 5041F83A
teleport 530BDAC6
teleporttarget 5C556FF4
teleportto 8D436395
tell F4445F5F
tellpet BD7DF918
tenddamage 18CD8967
tenddamagetool 7F185C74
tendwound 31DD4C4B
tendwoundstool 80E5DE63
threatenshot EE14CA1E
throttle EA3786DD
throwgrenade BBAF8943
throwtrap 0549BE67
tip C64D8CB0
toggleawayfromkeyboard 9B9FE4A8
togglecombattaunts 37C4BD8B
torsoshot 3291A9BE
totalhealother 6B370958
totalhealself 18E5D089
trade BDD5D35B
tradeaccept 993190CA
transferforce B371DE87
transferitem 3CFB449D
transferitemarmor 18726CA1
transferitemmisc 82F75977
transferitemweapon 335676C7
transferstructure 116BDA06
ttell D2D9B6C6
tumbletokneeling 29346510
tumbletoprone 0B30C9B5
tumbletostanding 54314196


Command CRC %
unarmedblind1 CA8B008B
unarmedbodyhit1 57ECDE87
unarmedcombo1 874523C4
unarmedcombo2 8A06051D
unarmeddizzy1 792D1600
unarmedheadhit1 05FEC475
unarmedhit1 3124E0DD
unarmedhit2 3C67C604
unarmedhit3 38A6DBB3
unarmedknockdown1 26B9DB1B
unarmedknockdown2 2BFAFDC2
unarmedleghit1 638B5475
unarmedlunge1 038BDDD4
unarmedlunge2 0EC8FB0D
unarmedspinattack1 DB447550
unarmedspinattack2 D6075389
unarmedstun1 CF15393D
unassociatedroidcontroldevicewithship C983C839
uncityban 36E926E2
unconsent A2DF082A
underhandshot 329CF4C4
undock DF3C6244
unequip 7A42E46D
unfreezeplayer 6342AD18
uninstallshipcomponent 44449488
uninvite 2E26A47F
unload BE6BD9FC
unpilotship 3F70A754
unsnoop AC2AA7DA
unstick B22BA352
userecondrone 52789BAF
useskillbuff F97792E1


Command CRC %
ventriloquism 6CB6978F
vertfurniture EFCECF3E
vitalize 55581018
volleyfire 7EF26D6A
volleyfireattack 1EF93CD7
vrepair 671D13FC
vrepairother 98D99811


Command CRC %
warcry1 6A56ECC3
warcry2 6715CA1A
warningshot F44972F6
watch EC93CA43
waypoint 640543FE
waypointautopilot 33FBAACE
weapongroupassignment 6C15AC71
wildshot1 7A48C259
wildshot2 770BE480
wipeitems 97EDAEF6
wookieeroar B715B035


Command CRC %
zonemap 722EB61E