Injury Treatment (Game Mechanics)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.


This formula determines the size of the heal (per ham pool) that is given when using a healing stim.

Heal Power of Healing Stim x Environment x [(100 + Injury Treatment Skill + BE modded clothes +food/buff) / 100] x Med City Bonus

for example:

900 Heal Stim
110 Med Module Droid
100 Injury Treatment Skill
25 BE clothes
0 no foods or buffs enhance injury treatment. (needs checking)
10% Medical City Specialization Bonus

900 x 1.1 x [(100+100+25+0)/100] x 1.1 = 2450 total heal

Now how Battle Fatigue affects this...

If player Battle Fatigue is 0 - 250 = no change in heal value.

If player Battle Fatigue is greater than 250 then...

Heal - [Heal x (Battle Fatigue-250) / 1000] = Heal after Battle Fatigue

so with 696 Battle Fatigue (Randomly chosen number)

2450 - [ 2450 x (696 - 250) / 1000] = 1358 heal after 696 Battle Fatigue

Bio-engineered clothes effectively cap at +25/+25 so a person
with +9999/ +9999 will do the SAME as one with only +25/+25
injury/wound treatment clothes.

Battle Fatigue does NOT affect buff performance until 250
Battle Fatigue. One could have 249 Battle Fatigue and it will
be the same as one with 0 Battle Fatigue.

Battle Fatigue after 250 - affects the buff performance
by 1% per 10 Battle Fatigue.

At 1000 Battle Fatigue (when Battle Fatigue caps) buff
performance is reduced by 75%.

At 750 Battle Fatigue buff performance is reduced by 50%.

At 500 Battle Fatigue buff performance is reduced by 25%.

Medical centers and scout camps override droid bonuses.

If not in a Medical Specialized Player City - the variable is calculated at 1.0.

If in a Medical Specialized Player City - the

varible is calculated at 1.1.