CraftFillSlot (00000107)

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Object Controller - CraftFillSlot (00000107)

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LONG Resource or Container ID
INT Option
BYTE Sequence ID

Variable Descriptions

controllerID = 00000107


Sent for each slot that gets filled

Sequence: acts as an assigned counter for each ingredient. Slot: corresponds to which slot is filled with the ingredient



OCM This header is part of the ObjControllerMessage.

C→S This packet originates on the client.

100% This packet has been completely reversed.

NGE break by cAble 

05 00 #Operand
46 5E CE 80 #ObjCon
83 00 00 00 
07 01 00 00 #CraftFillSlot
00 2E E9 E9 31 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 #unknown
16 A5 C8 50 32 00 00 00 #ObjectID for Ingredient
01 00 00 00 #Slot01
00 00 00 00 #Option
85 #sequence

05 00 #Operand
46 5E CE 80 #ObjCon
83 00 00 00 
07 01 00 00 #CraftFillSlot
00 2E E9 E9 31 00 00 00 #CharacterID
00 00 00 00 #Unknown
9D 3F EB F9 3A 00 00 00 #ObjectID for Ingredient
02 00 00 00 #Slot02
00 00 00 00 #Option
86 #Sequence