Creature Knowledge (Source)

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I started taking notes on creature knowledge from several ranger/scout toons I had at different levels. A novice ranger on TC, other scouts/rangers I’ve created on other servers in the past, and my main master ranger that I play on Kauri.

It's kind of an interesting list.. especially noteworthy is the fact that although we get creature knowledge bonuses at novice ranger and 0010, it doesn't provide any benefit.

Also, I’ve included survival XP amounts for ranger craftables. This info is already on, but I thought I might as well put it here since I’ve never seen it in a central location or in the ranger/scout forums – not to mention, it gave me something to do while sitting around in my camp and doing the survival tree for the 5th or so time.


Creature Knowledge Modifier LEVEL +Mod/Total (represents +Mod for that box/Total Creature Knowledge) Creature Information gained

NO SCOUT 0/0 Armor rating Vulnerabilities/resistances Combat Difficulty (star /consider rating) (Standard information available to all players when using /examine on a creature)

NOVICE +5/5 aggressive - yes/no stalker - yes/no

HUNTING 1 +5/10 tamable: yes/no

HUNTING 2 +10/20 Hide Type Meat Type

HUNTING 3 +10/30 Deathblows: yes/no

HUNTING 4 +10/40 Ferocity: (number level)

MASTER SCOUT +10/50 difficulty level: (number)

NOVICE RANGER +5/55 No new information gained

TRACKING 1 +5/60 No new information gained

TRACKING 2 +10/70 Special Attack 1 -- type

TRACKING 3 +10/80 Special Attack 2 -- type

TRACKING 4 +10/90 Base To-Hit: (number)

MASTER RANGER +10/100 Damage: (number)

Force Sensitive + MR +5/105 No new information gained Interesting note: The +5 FS creature knowledge mod only seems to be useful to someone with no scout skills, or with only the novice box – which would give that player “aggressive/stalker” and “tamable” info respectively. Otherwise, +5 doesn’t seem to boost you to the next level of creature knowledge.