Experimentation Source 9 (Source)

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Reference Documentation - Experimentation

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The only way to improve on the initial result is to experiment on the item.

Every 10 Experimenting skill points give another box to spend at the experimenting screen. Max 12 boxes (Shipwrights somtimes have a few more) can be achieved with skill tapes, apron, etc., on top of the skill points that come with the profession. See warning in "11 - Misc, Hints, and Tips".

Some items have only one line to experiment with, while other items have more lines. Spend one or more boxes at a time as you choose to and click Run Experiment, until out of boxes.

Each run gives a random outcome ranging from Critical Failure to Amazing Success, that adds to the initial result.

Each box spent gives:

Critical Failure | -14.00 Failure | -7.00 Moderate Success | 1.05 Success | 1.75 Good Success | 3.50 Great Success | 7.00 Amazing Success | 8.05

Example: 3 boxes spent and a Good Success gives 3 * 3.50 = 11.50 that accumulates to the initial result of the line(s) you experimented with.

The maximum result that is possible to achieve is set by resource qualities, relative to the item's optimal result with perfect resources.

The maximum result is the sum of the average values of each weighed stat:

Abstract formula:

nbr = {the number of resources used} Max = [ stat1.weight * (A.stat1 + B.stat1 + ...) / nbr + stat2.weight * (A.stat2 + B.stat2 + ...) / nbr + ... ] / 1000

Example: Power is based on OQ/PE 66/33, and we have Seed with OQ=975, PE=840, and Iron with OQ=998 (iron has no PE):

Max = [66/100 * (975 + 998) / 2 +33/100 * (840) / 1] / 1000 == [130218 / 200 + 27720 / 100] / 1000 = 928.29 / 1000 = 92%

However, a required stat only needs to be met once. That is also noticed in the previous example, Iron had no PE.

Hence, a rule of thumb: if possible, meet each stat only once, especially so with the most important quality of the item.

Your challenge is to puzzle together the best possible combination of resources.