Force Meditate (Ability)

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Ability - Force Meditate

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/forceMeditate: This ability allows a Jedi to enter a state where their stored Force power can replenish faster than normal. A Jedi is very vulnerable while in this meditative state.

Command: /forceMeditate
CommandQueue Entry: forcemeditate (BD40A262)

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Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Force Enhancement This document is related to the Force Enhancement Profession.

Ability Breakdown & Details

Increases Force Regen rate by 3 times, can’t be used in combat

Force Power Max

The size of your overall Force power pool, of which all Lightsaber specials, Force powers, and Crystal/Pearl tunings draw upon.

When this pool is emptied you will no longer be able to use these abilities until it regenerates enough. The only methods of refilling the Force power bar are regeneration, using Force Meditation to increase the regeneration rate (by three times), using Channel Force, someone using Transfer Force on you, and using a Holocron.

Force Power Regeneration

The amount of Force power that you will regenerate over a ten second period.

This amount is not regenerated all at once, but rather in “ticks” over the ten seconds in intervals. The ticks are always at 5 (or 6 in the case of decimals) Force power each and the number of ticks is determined by the Force Power Regeneration mod divided by 5 (tick amount). The tick interval is calculated by dividing the 10 second regeneration time by the number of ticks required. For example, if your Force Power Regeneration was 26 that would mean that the number ticks per 10 seconds would be 5.2 (26 / 5), resulting in each tick occurring every 1.9 seconds (10 / 5.2). So overall you would regenerate 26 Force power every 10 seconds, but in actuality you would be regenerating 5 Force power every 1.9 seconds.

To determine the amount of time (in seconds) that it will take to regenerate your entire Force bar, you divide your Force Power Max value by the amount of Force that you would regen every second (Force Power Regeneration divided by 10 seconds). For example, if your Force Power Max was 7200 and your Force Power Regeneration was 74 it would take you 973 seconds (16.2 minutes) to regenerate your entire Force power bar (7200 / (74 / 10)).

Note: Force Meditate increases your Force Power Regeneration by three times. So, for example, if your Force Power Regeneration was 74 it would be considered 222 (Regeneration x 3) while using Force Meditate.

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];

       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];

       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];

       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
already_in_meditative_state /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string You are already in a meditative state Example

SUI Prompt

Combat Chat Spam

Fly Text


  • 1 + 1 = 3
  • 2 - 2 + 2 = 3

Source References

Source Source in Context
Prima Guide somelink1 Source1

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 0
Action Cost 0
Mind Cost 0
Force Cost 0

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 0