Force Powers (Game Mechanics)

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Game Documentation - Force Powers Mechanics

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something goes here

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0% This document has not been started.

Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Force Powers This document is related to the Force Powers Profession.


Abilities under Force Powers did not grant experience. It is recommended that those abilities that cause damage to targets (force lightning, force throw, mind blast, force choke), grant experience in the same that other cl / and damage to experience ratios are calculated.


something goes here

Skill Modifiers

Force Choke
Force Intimidate Accuracy
Force Knockdown Accuracy
Force Lightning Accuracy
Force Power Max
Force Power Regeneration
Force Throw Accuracy
Force Weaken Accuracy
Mind Blast Accuracy

Something 2

something goes here

Ability List

Command CRC Ability Details %
animalattack A7E89355 Animal Attack (Ability)
animalcalm 22E1565B Animal Calm (Ability)
animalscare E001C174 Animal Scare (Ability)
forcechoke 4B0A9D33 Force Choke (Ability)
forceintimidate1 BD0584A0 Force Intimidate 1 (Ability)
forceintimidate2 B046A279 Force Intimidate 2 (Ability)
forceknockdown1 68E60EE9 Force Knockdown 1 (Ability)
forceknockdown2 65A52830 Force Knockdown 2 (Ability)
forceknockdown3 61643587 Force Knockdown 3 (Ability)
forcelightningcone1 C1A411E6 Force Lightning Cone 1 (Ability)
forcelightningcone2 CCE7373F Force Lightning Cone 2 (Ability)
forcelightningsingle1 583B6776 Force Lightning Single 1 (Ability)
forcelightningsingle2 557841AF Force Lightning Single 2 (Ability)
forcethrow1 9A6A843E Force Throw 1 (Ability)
forcethrow2 9729A2E7 Force Throw 2 (Ability)
forceweaken1 A8BDB9D8 Force Weaken 1 (Ability)
forceweaken2 A5FE9F01 Force Weaken 2 (Ability)
jedimindtrick ED1E2488 Jedi Mind Trick (Ability)
mindblast1 0B30AB2A Mind Blast 1 (Ability)
mindblast2 06738DF3 Mind Blast 2 (Ability)