Help:Page Tags

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Help System - Page Tags

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Generic Tags

Code Result
{{PreCU Packet}}
PreCU This packet only exists in PreCU.

{{CU Packet}}
CU This packet only exists in the CU.

{{NGE Packet}}
NGE This packet only exists in the NGE.

S→C This packet originates on the server.

C→S This packet originates on the client.

0% This packet has not been reversed.
25% This packet has been partially reversed.

50% This packet has been partially reversed.

75% This packet has been partially reversed.

100% This packet has been completely reversed.


Command Related Tags

Code Result
{{CMD CombatMelee}}
CM This command belongs to the COMBAT_MELEE group.

{{CMD CombatGeneral}}
CG This command belongs to the COMBAT_GENERAL group.

{{CMD CombatNonLoop}}
CNL This command belongs to the COMBAT_NON_LOOP group.

{{CMD CombatRanged}}
CR This command belongs to the COMBAT_RANGED group.

{{CMD Crafting}}
CRF This command belongs to the COMBAT_CRAFTING group.

{{CMD Performance}}
PER This command belongs to the PERFORMANCE group.

{{CMD Posture}}
POS This command belongs to the POSTURE group.

{{CMD Resource}}
RSC This command belongs to the RESOURCE group.

{{CMD Ship}}
SHIP This command belongs to the SHIP group.

Code Result
{{DSPLY Jedi}}
JEDI This command belongs to the JEDI group.

CSR This command belongs to the CSR group.

{{DSPLY Ship}}
SHIP This command belongs to the SHIP group.

Misc Tags

Code Result
POI This document is relates to a POI.

Species This document refers to SWG Zoology.

{{Planetary Map}}
Planetary Map This document is related to the planetary map.

Crafting This opcode is used in Crafting.
CRAFT This opcode is used in Crafting.
Database This document relates to the SWGANH Database Schema.

Command This is a client command.

City This document refers to a City.

CRASH This document refers to Client Errors.

DB Table This document relates to the SWGANH Database Schema.

Tool This document relates to a Tool.

Schematic This document relates to a schematic.

Resource This document relates to Resources.

{{{1}}} This document relates to the {{{1}}} planet.


Profession Related Tags

Code Result
{{Skill Modifier}}
Skill Modifier This document is relates to a Skill Modifier.

Certification This document relates to a Certification.

Profession This document relates to a Profession.

Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

[[{{{1}}} (Profession)|{{{1}}}]] This document is related to the {{{1}}} Profession.

[[Category:{{{1}}}]] [[Category:{{{2}}}]]

100% This document is complete.

75% This document is nearing completion.

50% This document has been partially completed.

25% This document has been partially completed.

0% This document has not been started.