Intimidate1Context Source2

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Hey everyone,

After a recent debate about how toughness and damage reduction are calculated
 I took upon myslef to investigate into it a little bit. Based on what I found 
I threw together this sort of personal guide. Now I'm looking for input and 
feedback to determine if what I've deduced is correct or not and try to produce 
accurate formulas.


Versus MOBs – Inflicting Damage

1) Initial damage calculations:

initial min damage = (weapon min damage + damage stat) * profession damage mod * 
special move damage mod * posture damage bonus * damage bonus

initial max damage = (weapon max damage + damage stat) * profession damage mod * 
special move damage mod * posture damage bonus * damage bonus

initial min damage: Low-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
initial max damage: High-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
weapon min damage: Minimum damage value from the attacking weapon (including power-ups).
weapon max damage: Maximum damage value from the attacking weapon (including power-ups).
damage stats: Damage modifier for weapon style from stats (for example, Unarmed Damage).
profession damage mod: Hidden damage modifier for the profession (for example, 
for Jedi it’s 1.5).
special move damage mod: Hidden damage modifier of the attacking special move 
(for example, Unarmed Hit 3 is a 4.0 modifier).
posture bonus damage: Damage bonus based on the target’s current posture
 (standing = 1.00, kneeling = 1.25, lying = 1.50).
damage bonus: Hidden damage modifier to increase the damage of a special move 
based on the target’s level (Jedi only).

2) The initial attack damage is a random number within the initial min and max damage ranges. This is the value that appears in the combat log.

3) Now the MOB’s Armor damage reductions can be calculated:

reduced attack damage = initial attack damage * [AP/AR differential * ((100 – damage type resist) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the Armor reductions.
initial attack damage: Damage determined from the initial attack calculations (above).
AP/AR differential: Modifier based on the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP rating and the target’s AR rating.
damage type resist: Target’s resistance value against the damage type of the attacking weapon.

4) Finally, that reduced attack damage translates to the actual damage inflicted:

actual damage = reduced attack damage

actual damage: Final damage actually inflicted on the target MOB, this is the number that appears over their head.
reduced attack damage: Damage determined from all the reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).


Master TKA (250 Unarmed Damage) with Vibro Knucklers (AP1 50-200 Kinetic damage) and 1.5 profession damage mod uses Unarmed Hit 3 (4.0 special move damage mod) to hit a standing Nightsister Protector that has AR2 15% Kinetic resists.

1) Initial damage ranges:
initial min damage = (50 + 250) * 1.5 * 4.0 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 1800
initial max damage = (200 + 250) * 1.5 * 4.0 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 2700

2) Initial attack damage range is 1800-2700, so let’s just say we hit for the max of that range, making the initial attack damage 2700.

3) Final reductions:
reduced attack damage = 2700 * 0.50 * ((100 - 15) / 100) = 1147.5

4) So that means that the final damage actually inflicted on the Nightsister Protector is 1148.

Versus MOBs – Taking Damage

1) Initial damage ranges calculations:

min damage = (mob min damage + weapon min damage)
max damage = (mob max damage + weapon max damage)

min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
max damage: High-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
mob min damage: Minimum damage value from the mob’s default damage rating (visible on creatures by a Ranger).
mob max damage: Maximum damage value from the mob’s default damage rating (visible on creatures by a Ranger).
weapon min damage: Minimum damage value from the attacking weapon (NPC’s only).
weapon max damage: Maximum damage value from the attacking weapon (NPC’s only).

2) Once the above has been calculated your Mitigation (if you have any) versus the attack type (melee or ranged) is calculated:

mitigated max damage = min damage + ((max damage - min damage) * ((100 - mitigation mod) / 100))

mitigated max damage: New calculated maximum damage from mitigation.
min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
max damage: High-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
mitigation mod: Percentage amount of damage mitigated based on your rating (1 = 20%, 2 = 40%, 3 = 60%).

3) Now that the range of potential damage has been determined the initial attack damage ranges can be calculated:

initial min damage = min damage * special move damage mod * posture bonus damage * ((100 - intimidation damage reduction) / 100) * ((100 - stun damage reduction) / 100)

initial max damage = mitigated max damage * special move damage mod * posture bonus damage * ((100 - intimidation damage reduction) / 100) * ((100 - stunned damage reduction) / 100)

initial min damage: Low-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
initial max damage: High-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
mitigated max damage: High-end damage range for the mitigated potential attack damage.
special move damage mod: Hidden damage modifier of the attacking special move (for example, Unarmed Hit 3 is a 4.0 modifier).
posture bonus damage: Damage bonus based on the target’s current posture (standing = 1.00, kneeling = 1.25, lying = 1.50).
intimidation damage reduction: If the MOB is Intimidated they receive a 66.67% damage reduction.
stunned damage reduction: If the MOB is Stunned they receive a ?? damage reduction (I believe it’s 10%).

4) The initial attack damage is a random number within the initial min and max damage ranges. This is the value that appears in the combat log.

5) At this point your defenses begin to come into play, with your defensive damage reducing modifiers being calculated first:

reduced attack damage = intial attack damage * ((100 - weapon toughness mod) / 100) * ((100 - secondary toughness mod) / 100) * ((100 - foodstuff damage reduction) / 100)

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the defensive damage reducing modifiers reductions (if any).
initial attack damage: Damage determined from the initial attack calculations (above).
weapon toughness mod: Toughness mod value for the currently equipped weapon, if it exists (such as Unarmed Toughness).
secondary toughness mod: Additional toughness mod value, if it exists (such as Jedi Toughness).
foodstuff damage reduction: Damage reduction from ingested foodstuffs (such as Synthsteak).

6) Next your Force Armor’s effect is calculated:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * ((100 - Force armor reduction) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the Force Armor reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the defensive damage reducing modifiers calculations (above, if any).
Force armor reduction: Value of the Force Armor’s reduction mod.

Incidentally, your Force power is reduced based on how much damage Force Armor absorbed using the following calculation:

Force power = Force power - (initial reduced attack damage - reduced attack damage)

7) Next your PSG’s effect is calculated:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * [AP/AR differential * ((100 - damage type resist) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the PSG reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the Force Armor reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).
AP/AR differential: Modifier based on the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP rating and the PSG’s AR rating.
damage type resist: PSG’s resistance value against the damage type of the attacking weapon/creature.

Incidentally, the PSG’s Condition is reduced based on how much damage it absorbed using the following calculation:

PSG condition = PSG condition - ((initial reduced attack damage * AP/AR differential) - reduced attack damage))

Cool Next your Armor’s effect is calculated much the same way as the PSG’s:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * [AP/AR differential * ((100 - damage type resist) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the Armor piece’s reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the PSG reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).
AP/AR differential: Modifier based on the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP rating and the Armor’s AR rating.
damage type resist: Armor’s resistance value against the damage type of the attacking weapon/creature.

Incidentally, the Armor piece’s Condition is reduced based on how much damage it absorbed using the following calculation:

armor condition = armor condition - ((initial reduced attack damage * AP/AR differential) - reduced attack damage))

9) Finally, all that reduced attack damage translates to the actual damage incurred:

actual damage = reduced attack damage

actual damage: Final damage actually incurred by you, this is the number that appears over your head.
reduced attack damage: Damage determined from all the reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).

Example 1:

Jedi Padawan/regular profession hybrid with Master TKA (57 Unarmed Toughness and Melee Mitigation 3), Master Force Defender (45 Jedi Toughness) wearing an AP1 40% Stun PSG, AP1 39% Stun Composite, and that is currently under the affect of Synthsteak (43% damage reduction) is attacked by a Dark Trooper with a base damage of (400-500) using a Stun Baton (AP0 320-330 Stun damage) with One-Hand Hit 3 (4.0 special move damage modifier), while intimidated.

1) Base damage ranges:
min damage = 400 + 320 = 720
max damage = 500 + 330 = 830

2) Melee Mitigation:
mitigated max damage = 720 + ((830 – 720) * ((100 - 60) / 100)) = 764

So, after mitigation, the current attack damage range is 720-764.

3) Initial damage ranges:
initial min damage = 720 * 4.0 * 1.0 * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0.0) / 100) = 959.904
initial max damage = 764 * 4.0 * 1.0 * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0.0) / 100) = 1018.5648

4) Initial attack damage range is 960-1019, so let’s just say we get hit for 1000 initial attack damage.

5) Defensive damage reducing modifiers:
reduced attack damage = 1000 * ((100 - 57) / 100) * ((100 - 45) / 100) * ((100 - 43) / 100) = 134.805

6) Forcce Armor reduced damage:

7) PSG reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 134.805 * 0.50 * ((100 - 40) / 100) = 40.4415
FYI: PSG condition loss = (134.805 * 0.50) - 40.4415 = 26.961

Cool Armor reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 40.4415 * 0.50 * ((100 - 39) / 100) = 12.334657
FYI: Armor piece condition loss = (40.4415 * 0.50) - 12.334657 = 7.886093

9) So that means that the final damage actually incurred from the Dark Trooper is only 12! (Hello new template for my main, lol)

Example 2:

Jedi Padawan with Master Lightsaber (55 Lightsaber Toughness), Force Defender:4004 (21 Jedi Toughness), Force Powers:xx2x (Force Intimidate), and Force Enhancer:x4xx (Force Armor +45) that is currently under the affect of Synthsteak (43% damage reduction) is attacked by a Dark Trooper with a base damage of (400-500) using a Stun Baton (AP0 320-330 Stun damage) with One-Hand Hit 3 (4.0 special move damage modifier), while intimidated.

1) Base damage ranges:
min damage = 400 + 320 = 720
max damage = 500 + 330 = 830

2) Mitigation:
Jedi get no mitigation, so the current attack damage range is 720-830.

3) Initial damage ranges:
initial min damage = 720 * 4.0 * 1.0 * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0.0) / 100) = 959.904
initial max damage = 830 * 4.0 * 1.0 * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0.0) / 100) = 1106.556

4) Initial attack damage range 960-1107, so let’s just say we get hit for 1100 initial attack damage.

5) Defensive damage reducing modifiers:
reduced attack damage = 1100 * ((100 - 55) / 100) * ((100 - 21) / 100) * ((100 - 43) / 100) = 222.8985

6) Forcce Armor reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 222.8985 * ((100 - 45 ) / 100) = 122.59417
FYI: Force cost = 222.8985 - 122.59417 = 100.30433

7) PSG reduced damage:

Cool Armor reduced damage:

9) So that means that the final damage actually incurred from the Dark Trooper is 123.

PvP Damage

PvP Damage works out almost exactly like a combination of the above two cases, with a few exceptions.

1) Initial damage ranges calculations:

min damage = (weapon min damage + damage stat)
max damage = (weapon max damage + damage stat)

min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
max damage: High-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
weapon min damage: Minimum damage value from the attacking weapon (including power-ups).
weapon max damage: Maximum damage value from the attacking weapon (including power-ups).
damage stats: Damage modifier for weapon style from stats (for example, Unarmed Damage).

2) Once the above has been calculated Mitigation (if any) versus the attack type (melee or ranged) is calculated:

mitigated max damage = min damage + ((max damage - min damage) * ((100 - mitigation mod) / 100))

mitigated max damage: New calculated maximum damage from mitigation.
min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
max damage: High-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
mitigation mod: Percentage amount of damage mitigated based on rating (1 = 20%, 2 = 40%, 3 = 60%).

3) Now that the range of potential damage has been determined the initial attack damage ranges can be calculated:

initial min damage = min damage * profession damage mod * special move damage mod * posture bonus damage * ((100 - PvP reduction) / 100) * ((100 - intimidation damage reduction) / 100) * ((100 - stun damage reduction) / 100)

initial max damage = mitigated max damage * profession damage mod * special move damage mod * posture bonus damage * ((100 - PvP reduction) / 100) * ((100 - intimidation damage reduction) / 100) * ((100 - stunned damage reduction) / 100)

initial min damage: Low-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
initial max damage: High-end damage range for the initial attack damage.
min damage: Low-end damage range for the potential attack damage.
mitigated max damage: High-end damage range for the mitigated potential attack damage.
profession damage mod: Hidden damage modifier for the profession (for example, for Jedi it’s 1.5).
special move damage mod: Hidden damage modifier of the attacking special move (for example, Unarmed Hit 3 is a 4.0 modifier).
posture bonus damage: Damage bonus based on the target’s current posture (standing = 1.00, kneeling = 1.25, lying = 1.50).
PvP reduction: Constant damage reduction for all PvP, currently 75%.
intimidation damage reduction: If Intimidated there is a 66.67% damage reduction.
stunned damage reduction: If Stunned there is a ?? damage reduction (I believe it’s 10%).

4) The initial attack damage is a random number within the initial min and max damage ranges. This is the value that appears in the combat log.

5) At this point defenses begin to come into play, with the defensive damage reducing modifiers being calculated first:

reduced attack damage = initial attack damage * ((100 - weapon toughness mod) / 100) * ((100 - secondary toughness mod) / 100) * ((100 - foodstuff damage reduction) / 100)

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the defensive damage reducing modifiers reductions (if any).
initial attack damage: Damage determined from the initial attack calculations (above).
weapon toughness mod: Toughness mod value for the currently equipped weapon, if it exists (such as Unarmed Toughness).
secondary toughness mod: Additional toughness mod value, if it exists (such as Jedi Toughness).
foodstuff damage reduction: Damage reduction from ingested foodstuffs (such as Synthsteak).

6) Next Force Armor’s effect is calculated:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * ((100 - Force armor reduction) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the Force Armor reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the defensive damage reducing modifiers calculations (above, if any).
Force armor reduction: Value of the Force Armor’s reduction mod.

Incidentally, Force power is reduced based on how much damage Force Armor absorbed using the following calculation:

Force power = Force power - (initial reduced attack damage - reduced attack damage)

7) Next the PSG’s effect is calculated:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * [AP/AR differential * ((100 - damage type resist) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the PSG reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the Force Armor reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).
AP/AR differential: Modifier based on the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP rating and the PSG’s AR rating.
damage type resist: PSG’s resistance value against the damage type of the attacking weapon.

Incidentally, the PSG’s Condition is reduced based on how much damage it absorbed using the following calculation:

PSG condition = PSG condition – ((initial attack damage * AP/AR differential) - reduced attack damage))

Cool Next the Armor’s effect is calculated much the same way as the PSG’s:

reduced attack damage = initial reduced attack damage * [AP/AR differential * ((100 - damage type resist) / 100)]

reduced attack damage: Attack damage after the Armor reduction (if any).
initial reduced attack damage: Damage determined from the PSG reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).
AP/AR differential: Modifier based on the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP rating and the Armor’s AR rating.
damage type resist: Armor’s resistance value against the damage type of the attacking weapon/creature.

Incidentally, the Armor piece’s Condition is reduced based on how much damage it absorbed using the following calculation:

armor condition = armor condition - ((initial reduced attack damage * AP/AR differential) - reduced attack damage))

9) Finally, all that reduced attack damage translates to the actual damage incurred/inflicted:

actual damage = reduced attack damage

actual damage: Final damage actually incurred/inflicted, this is the number that appears over the head.
reduced attack damage: Damage determined from all the reduced attack damage calculations (above, if any).

Example 1:

Billy is a Master TKA/Brawler/Rifleman (62 Unarmed Toughness and Melee/Ranged Mitigation 3) with his VK’s equipped, AP1 40% Energy PSG, AP1 90% Energy Composite armor, and 43% Synthsteak.

Jimmy is a Master Rifleman/Smuggler with a pre-nerf T21 (AP3 350-700 Energy damage).

Jimmy hits Billy while he’s knocked down with Strafe Shot 2 (4.0 special move damage mod). Note that Unarmed Toughness does not function versus ranged attacks.

1) Base damage ranges (no damage stat):
min damage = 350 + 0
max damage = 700 + 0

2) Ranged Mitigation:
mitigated max damage = 350 + ((700 - 350) * ((100 - 60) / 100)) = 490

3) Initial damage ranges:
initial min damage = 350 * 1.5 * 4.0 * 1.5 * ((100 - 75) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) = 787.5
initial max damage = 490 * 1.5 * 4.0 * 1.5 * ((100 - 75) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) = 1102.5

4) Initial attack damage range is 788-1103, so let’s say Jimmy’s initial attack damage is 1100.

5) Defensive damage reducing modifiers:
reduced attack damage = 1100 * ((100 - 0) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) * ((100 - 43) / 100) = 627

6) Force Armor reduced damage:

7) PSG reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 627 * 1.5625 * ((100 - 40) / 100) = 587.8125
FYI: PSG condition loss = (627 * 1.5625) - 587.8125 = 391.875

Cool Armor reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 587.8125 * 1.5625 * ((100 - 90) / 100) = 91.845703
FYI: Armor piece condition loss = (587.8125 * 1.5625) - 91.845703 = 826.61133

9) So after all the reductions Billy incurs 92 damage from Jimmy’s attack (but it really tore the PSG and Armor piece apart).

Example 2:

Bob is a Master TKA/Brawler (62 Unarmed Toughness and Melee Mitigation 3) with his VK’s equipped, AP1 40% Lightsaber PSG, and 43% Synthsteak.

Doug is a Jedi Padawan with Master Lightsaber and a 4th Gen Double-Bladed Lightsaber with 4 Flawless Crystals (AP2 600-700 Lightsaber damage).

Doug hits Bob with a Dervish (4.5 special move damage mod) while he is intimidated.

1) Base damage ranges (no damage stat):
min damage = 600 + 0
max damage = 700 + 0

2) Melee Mitigation:
mitigated max damage = 600 + ((700 - 600) * ((100 - 60) / 100)) = 640

3) Initial damage ranges:
initial min damage = 600 * 1.5 * 4.5 * 1.0 * ((100 - 75) / 100) * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) = 1012.5
initial max damage = 640 * 1.5 * 4.5 * 1.0 * ((100 - 75) / 100) * ((100 - 66.67) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) = 1080

4) Initial attack damage range is 1013-1080, so let’s say Doug’s initial attack damage is 1050.

5) Defensive damage reducing modifiers:
reduced attack damage = 1050 * ((100 - 62) / 100) * ((100 - 0) / 100) * ((100 - 43) / 100) = 227.43

6) Force Armor reduced damage:

7) PSG reduced damage:
reduced attack damage = 227.43 * 1.25 * ((100 - 40) / 100) = 170.5725
FYI: PSG condition loss = (227.43 * 1.25) - 170.5725 = 113.715

Cool Armor reduced damage:

9) So after all the reductions Bob incurs 171 damage from Doug’s Lightsaber attack ‘o fury.


SWG rounds numbers oddly, where some calculations round up, round down, floor, ceiling, or even just truncate. This causes some final numbers to look a little “off” sometimes.

The placement of the Mitigation calculation may be incorrect, but I believe this is when it is calculated. It could be after the Profession Damage Mod and Special Move Damage Mod are calculated, but I don’t think so.

The placement of the PvP Reduction calculation may be incorrect, but I believe this is when it is calculated. It’s either here or when the min/max damage are first being determined.

The placement of the Damage Reductions (Toughness) calculation may be incorrect, but I believe this is when it is calculated. It could be after the Force Armor, PSG, and Armor reductions are calculated (but that makes Condition loss seem to high).

The AP/AR Differential calculation takes the difference between the attacking weapon’s AP (Armor Piercing) rating and the defending armor’s AR (Armor Restraint) rating. The ratings are None (0), Light (1), Medium (2), and Heavy (3).

For every level AP is above AR the attack gets a 25% bonus. So, if the attacking weapon had AP2 and the armor had AR1 the weapon would do 25% more damage. If the weapon had AP3 it would get a 56.25% bonus.

For every level AR is above AP the attack gets reduced by 50%. So, if the attacking weapon had AP1 and the armor had AR2 the weapon would do 50% less damage. If the armor had AP3 it would reduce the damage by 75%.

However, if the defending armor is vulnerable (or there is no armor) no attack bonus is given! For example, if your weapon was AP3 and did Energy damage and you attacked a creature with AP1 armor but with no Energy resists you would not do any increased damage from the AP/AR Differential (but their armor wouldn’t be reducing your damage any either).

Also, if the AP and AR are equal there is no bonus or reduction.

The calculations to use in the above formulas work out like this:

AP0 vs. AR0 = 1.0
AP1 vs. AR0 = 1.25
AP2 vs. AR0 = 1.5625
AP3 vs. AR0 = 1.953125

AP0 vs. AR1 = 0.5
AP1 vs. AR1 = 1.0
AP2 vs. AR1 = 1.25
AP3 vs. AR1 = 1.5625

AP0 vs. AR2 = 0.25
AP1 vs. AR2 = 0.5
AP2 vs. AR2 = 1.0
AP3 vs. AR2 = 1.25

AP0 vs. AR3 = 0.125
AP1 vs. AR3 = 0.25
AP2 vs. AR3 = 0.5
AP3 vs. AR3 = 1.0