Lake Retreat (City)

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The Lake Retreat, as it has come to be known, was originally the family home of Naboo's greatest ruler, Queen Amidala.

With a gazebo built upon the waters of the placid lake, the Lake Retreat has been the site of many private wedding ceremonies.

Given to the Monarchy of Naboo, it is now reserved for their private use by friends, family, and loyal subjects.

This is a small settlement in the mountains of Naboo and you can only shuttle out of here with a round trip ticket purchased somewhere else.

City Info

Lake Retreat
City Data
CityName: Lake Retreat
Waypoint: -5489, -21

Related Tags

75% This document is nearing completion.

City This document refers to a City.

Naboo This document relates to the Naboo planet.

NPC & Facilities Lists


Type Waypoint


Type Waypoint
Hotel -5560, -34
Shuttle Port -5489, -21


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