Lightsaber - One-Handed Lightsaber III (Skill)

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Skill - One-Handed Lightsaber III

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Lightsaber Master
One-Handed Lightsaber IV
Two-Handed Lightsaber IV
Double-Bladed Lightsaber IV
Lightsaber Technique IV
One-Handed Lightsaber III
Two-Handed Lightsaber III
Double-Bladed Lightsaber III
Lightsaber Technique III
One-Handed Lightsaber II
Two-Handed Lightsaber II
Double-Bladed Lightsaber II
Lightsaber Technique II
One-Handed Lightsaber I
Two-Handed Lightsaber I
Double-Bladed Lightsaber I
Lightsaber Technique I
Lightsaber Novice

Skill Summary

Your ability to damage vital areas has increased, as well as your speed with the lightsaber, allowing you to make a vicious flurry of attacks.

SkillPoint Cost 4
Experience Cost 800000 Jedi
Credit Cost 0
Title Gained

Skill Mods

Modifier Value
Force Power Max +150
Force Power Regeneration +1
One-handed Lightsaber Accuracy +15
One-handed Lightsaber Speed +15

Commands & Abilities Granted




Saber One Hand Combo Hit 2
Saber One Hand Head Hit 3
