Power Boost (Ability)
Ability - Power Boost
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Description/powerboost: This meditative art allows the user to channel mental energies into their physical form for a temporary boost to physical performance. However, such extreme mental activities cause a significantly exhausting psychological cost.
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Ability Breakdown & Details
PowerBoost is a special action that Teräs Käsi can take while under the meditation state once they get to Advanced Meditative Techniques. The effect adds a temporary increase to the player's unenhanced base primary stats (health action and mind). In order to power boost the player must be under a meditative state and then issue the /powerboost command. The size of the buff applied to all stats depends on the size of the primary mind pool of the player. When the powerboost command is issued, the player's current mind pool size is halved and the value that is halved is added to the maximum value of all three primary ham stats. A player must also have a fully healed mind pool to initiate a powerboost. Over a period of 60 seconds, the health action and mind pools will increment up to the new maximum value. For example, if your stats are 1000/1000/1000 and you do Power Boost, your mind immediately drops to 500. After 60 seconds you will be at 1500/1500/1000. After another 60 seconds you will be at 1500/1500/1500.
Mind wounds are used in factoring in the current mind pool size. For example a player with a base mind pool of 1000 who has taken 200 wounds has a base mind pool of 800 for the sake of powerboost. Players are not allowed to powerboost if their primary mind pool size is less than 20.
Note: Presumably a player didn't have to state in a meditative state for the entire 2 minute duration that it took for the stats to increase up to their maximum. This seems exploitative or buggy in that a player would simply have to enter meditative state, issue a power boost and then could stand up immediately with a full bonus. I think we should make this so that the player only receives full benefits from the buff if they stay in the meditative state for the full 2 minute duration that it takes to get full stats. Also we might can try putting in partial benifits depending on how long the player stays for example, if the buff needs 120 seconds to get to max ham bar and the player stays in meditative state for 60, then they should only recieve half the strength of the full buff. Same thing should apply to the buff duration.
Power Boost has a finite lifespan. The duration that a powerboost can last is based on the meditation skill modifier of the player. Buff duration lasts for:
Duration in seconds = 300 + (meditation skill mod/100 * 300)
The maximum possible powerboost duration at teras kasi master is 10 minutes.
When the powerboost duration expires, there is a 1 minute downramp (sort of like a spice downer) where the gained HAM attributes decrement down to the normal base levels over 1 minute period. HAM pools damaged below normal max values remain at that value.
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