Sample Resource 2 (Source)

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Since everyone is running about flapping their arms, 
I decided to get a real number for the recent patch’s 
hand sampling cost change. This is not an exhaustive 
examination, only a quick peek, so be gentle.

No change:
SurveyDrain(mind pool) = INT( -99.5 + 0.065 * Focus )
SittingRegen(action pool) = Stamina * 13/1200
SittingRegen(mind pool) = Willpower * 13/1200
StandingRegen( pool ) = SittingRegen( pool ) * 4 / 7
KneelingRegen( pool ) = SittingRegen( pool ) * 5 / 7

Before the 7/8/2003 patch:
SampleDrain(action pool) = INT( -123.5 + 0.08 * Quickness )
SampleDrain(mind pool) = INT( -123.5 + 0.08 * Focus )
Time between samples = 18 seconds.

After the 7/8/2003 patch:
SampleDrain(action pool) = INT( -199.5 + 0.13 * Quickness )
SampleDrain(mind pool) = INT( -148.5 + 0.096 * Focus )
Time between samples = 28 seconds.

I did not see any large change to the results I received 
per sample. For survey III I got the following results 
over 110 samples on a 56% site.

3 resources = 17 samples = 15.5%
4 resources = 23 samples = 20.9%
5 resources = 22 samples = 20.0%
Rich 6 resources = 12 samples = 10.9%
Rich 4 resources = 1 sample = 0.9%
Failure = 35 samples = 31.8%

So the latest patch increased the sample action drain by 62%, 
the sample mind drain by 20%, and the time per sample by 56%. 
The added time between samples is the primary change decreasing 
the hand sample yield by 36%. Because there is an additional 10 
seconds of regen time the drains are not as significant. The 
drains will mostly affect those characters who do not have stat 
points in Quickness or Focus and have low action or mind pools. 
A typical artisan will probably see a decrease in sample yield of 
perhaps 40%. Not catastrophic in any means, and still about 2 
times the yield of a personal harvester