Scout - Trapping IV (Skill)

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Skill - Trapping IV (Elite Martial Design)

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Master Scout
Exploration IV
Alien Environment Training
Trapping IV
Elite Martial Design
Hunting IV
Unconventional Methodology
Survival IV
Special Technique
Exploration III
Harsh Environment Training
Trapping III
Martial Design
Hunting III
Trandoshan Methodology
Survival III
Harsh Environment Techniques
Exploration II
Advanced Principles
Trapping II
Refined Design
Hunting II
Military Methodology
Survival II
Advanced Techniques
Exploration I
Trapping I
Makeshift Design
Hunting I
Civilian Methodology
Survival I
Rudimentary Techniques
Novice Scout

Skill Summary

The Scout of this level designs traps that are the envy of military forces throughout the galaxy. They could very well be a weapons designer if their interests did not direct them towards wilderness and wild creatures. The Scout's traps have become creative and highly effective.

SkillPoint Cost 5
Experience Cost 15000 Trapping
Credit Cost 4000
Title Gained Trapper

Skill Mods

Modifier Value
Trapping +10

Commands & Abilities Granted


Adhesive Mesh


