Skill Attachments 2 (Source)

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Note: If any one sees any errors in this write up, or if you know of any loot item skill mods that I missed, please let me know and I'll make edits to the post. Also, feel free to /bump this post if you think what I've written here should get to the Devs attention.

First off, I want to congratulate you on adding a decent amount of new loot to the game with Publish 6, and I hope that in future publishes you will continue to add loot at the same rate. In particular, you have added quite a few new skill modded items, however, many of these new items have bonuses to skills that are no longer valid in the game. I believe that currently in the game there are at least two large random loot generation tables that contain all of the optional skill mods that can appear on an item. I have put together a list off all of these skill mods with details of which mods are either broken or are for skills that were removed from the game back in beta, and thus should no longer be used on any loot items. Might I suggest that you print this list up and give it to your content development team so that new loot additions in the future won't be unintentionally bugged.

Experimentation and Assembly Skill Mods

  • Weapon Experimentation and Assembly
  • Armor Experimentation and Assembly
  • Food Experimentation and Assembly
  • Medicine Experimentation and Assembly
  • Combat Medicine Experimentation and Assembly
  • Droid Experimentation and Assembly
  • Clothing Experimentation and Assembly
  • Structure Experimentation and Assembly
  • Artisan Experimentation and Assembly
  • Grenade Experimentation and Assembly

Of the above skills, Grenade Experimentation and Grenade Assembly are the only two that do NOT work. Back during beta, commandos crafted their own grenades, and Grenade Experimentation and Grenade Assembly were two of their skills, however, grenades are now crafted by weaponsmiths. No character uses the skills Grenade Experimentation or Grenade Assembly anymore. (Note: When a weaponsmith crafts a grenade, it is his general Weapon Experimentation skill that comes into play, not Grenade Experimentation.) Grenade Experimentation and Grenade Assembly should never appear on a modded item, since it is an obsolete and invalid skill. (Note: one of the new loot items added in publish 6, the Demolitions Belt, has Grenade Experimentation and Grenade Assembly skill mods. This item should be hotfixed.) All of the other above skills work fine, however the value of Clothing Experimentation is questionable since at the present Tailors have no values to experiment on.

Repair Skill Mods

  • Weapon Repair
  • Armor Repair
  • Clothing Repair

Currently in the game, NONE of the above three skills work. Players are under the assumption that these skills are intended to work, and thus will be fixed at some point in the future, however after extensive testing, it has been shown that at present none of the repair skills make any difference during repair attempts. These three skills should NOT appear on any modded items until clarification is given as to whether or not these skills will ever be made to work.

Other Artisan Related Skill Mods

  • Droid Customization
  • Droid Complexity
  • Structure Complexity
  • Surveying

Besides the above four there are other similar artisan related skills that can be found in the various artisan skill trees, such as Armor Customization and Clothing Customization, however the only ones that ever show up on modded items are the above four. That being said, it appears that NONE of the above actually work. Droid Complexity and Structure Complexity are skills that do not appear anywhere in the normal skill trees and are most likely invalid skills left over in the loot tables from beta. Droid Customization in theory should work, however I have heard reports from players that it does not. Normally, as a Droid Engineer increases his customization skill, he has more color palettes made available during his crafting. At master level a droid engineer will have all the color palettes unlocked and thus would have no need to increase his Droid Customization skill farther, however, it appears that even if a low level Droid Engineer equips an item with a Droid Customization mod he is unable to unlock any of the higher level color palettes. Surveying is a skill that works similarly to Droid Customization, however instead of unlocking new color palettes, as a player increases his surveying skill he unlocks greater and greater survey ranged for his survey devices. Like Droid Customization is appears that the survey radius granted a player is entirely dependent upon the skill boxes he has learned, and thus equiping items with bonuses to Surveying make no difference. Therefore, all four of the above skills should NOT appear on any modded items.

Other Medic and Doctor Related Skill Mods

  • Injury Treatment
  • Injury Treatment Speed
  • Wound Treatment
  • Wound Treatment Speed
  • Medical Foraging

All of the above skill mods appear to work, however Medical Foraging is a skill that had its purpose changed during beta and while it does still work, it is now for the most part a nearly useless skill. It would probably be best just to remove Medical Foraging from the list of possible mods for skill modded items, or at least an effort should be made to avoid putting Medical Foraging as a skill mod on any future quest reward items.

Other Combat Medic Related Skill Mods

  • Healing Range
  • Ranged Injury Treatment Speed
  • Combat Medicine Use
  • Combat Medicine Effectiveness

Of the above three skills, only the first two, Healing Range and Ranged Injury Treatment Speed, appear to work. Combat Medicine Use should work in theory, but from testing by players it appears to currently have no effect. What combat medicines a player is able to use seems to be entirely dependent upon what skill boxes he has, and not upon his listed Combat Medicine Use skill. It is also questionable whether or not Combat Medicine Effectiveness skill mods work. The only known place where this skill mod can be found on an item is on the loot dropped necklaces of the followers of Lord Nyax. It is possible this skill mod does work and it is just that the skill mod on the only available item is too low for there to be any noticeable difference. Until further clarification is given on the purpose and function of Combat Medicine Effectiveness, it would seem wise to not place it as a skill mod on any loot items.

Scout, Ranger, and Squad Leader Related Skill Mods.

  • Terrain Negotiation
  • Camouflage
  • Foraging
  • Rescue
  • Group Terrain Negotiation
  • Steady Aim Bonus
  • Volley Fire Bonus

All of the above skill mods appear to work, however I have heard mixed reports on the final two. However, even if some of the skills mods in the above list are currently bugged, it is reasonable to assume that all of the above skill mods are intended to work and will be fixed at some point. Use of any of the above skills mods on a loot item should present no problems.

Creature Handler Related Skill Mods

  • Additional Pets
  • Creature Taming Bonus

I am not certain but it appears that the first skill mod definately does not work, and that the second one may or may not work. The first mod, Additional Pets, has been tested by players many times and has never worked. Most likely this skill mod is disabled on purpose because it would be extremely unbalancing for a Creature Handler to call up to an additional 25 pets at once. As for Creature Taming Bonus, Creature Handlers do not have this skill mod anywhere in their skill tree, however the skill mod is granted automatically to all Wookies. It therefore seems likely that even if this skill does not work at the present, it will work at some point in the future. Therefore I would suggest that Additional Pets NOT be used on any loot items, however Creature Taming Bonus should be ok.

Entertainer Related Skill Mods

  • Wound Healing (Music)
  • Wound Healing (Dancing)
  • Battle Fatigue Healing (Music)
  • Battle Fatigue Healing (Dancing)
  • Musical Mind Enhancement
  • Dancing Mind Enhancement
  • Instrument Assembly

All of the above skill mods appear to work and use of any of the above skill mods on a loot item should present no problems.

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Defensive Skill Mods - Part 1

  • Dodge
  • Counterattack
  • Block

All three of these skill mods appear to work, however there is apparently some confusion, both amongst players and the dev team as to how these mods actually work. A player's Dodge skill ONLY comes into play if he has a pistol or one-handed melee weapon equipped. A player's Counterattack skill ONLY comes into play if he has a carbine or two-handed melee weapon equipped. And a player's Block skill ONLY comes into play if he has a rifle or polearm weapon equipped. (Note: Counterattack and Block also seem to have some bugs in how they work, but it is assumed that they will eventually be fixed to work in a similar manner as Dodge.) The problem with these skill mods is when they are placed on a mismatched weapon type. For example, in the recent Publish 6, one of the new quest rewards at Jabba's palace is a Gamorrean Battleaxe with a Block +5 skill mod. A Battleaxe is a two-handed melee weapon, and not a polearm, and thus whenever a player equips this weapon, it is his Counterattack skill, and not his Block skill that is enabled. Consequently the skill mod on this new quest reward is of no value. I would suggest hotfixing this item as soon as possible. The Block +5 skill mod should be replaced with a Counterattack +5 skill mod. The final reward given at Jabba's palace also has a similar error. This final reward is a schematic for what "Featherweight FWG5". Once crafted this pistol contained three skill mods. They are: Counterattack +5, Dodge +5, and Pistol Accuracy +5. It is the first skill mod that is in error. Since the weapon is a pistol, a player's Counterattack skill will NOT be activated when he equips the weapon. I would also suggest hotfixing this item as soon as possible. If the intention was to give the weapon two functioning defensive skill mods, then the best route would be to remove the Counterattack +5 skill mod and instead give the weapon either Ranged Defense +5 or Melee Defense +5.

Defensive Skill Mods - Part 2

  • One Handed Weapon Counterattack
  • One Handed Weapon Evasion
  • Two Handed Melee Counterattack
  • Two Handed Melee Evasion
  • Polearm Counterattack
  • Polearm Evasion

The above six skills were all removed from the game during beta and thus should NOT appear on any loot items. The three above skill mods with "counterattack" at the end of their names often confuse players who mistakenly believe that these skill mods are somehow related to the functioning Counterattack skill mod. (Note: The combat code for "evading" an attack still appears to be in the game at some level, since it does very rarely still occur, however testing has shown that none of the above skill mods seem to make any difference concerning its occurrence.) I see no reason to believe that the above six skill mods will ever be made to function in the game, since they for all intents and purposes have been replaced by the previously mentioned Dodge, Counterattack, and Block.

Defensive Skill Mods - Part 3

  • Poison Resistance
  • Disease Resistance
  • Fire Resistance

It is unknown weather or not the above three skill mods work. I have heard mixed reports as to weather or not they actually make any difference. The patch notes for Publish 6 stated that Fire Resistance now works, but I have not yet heard any reports as to how it works. Even if none of the above yet work, it is assumed that they will be made to work at some point in the future.

Defensive Skill Mods - Part 4

  • Bleeding Resistance
  • Combat Bleeding Defense

For some reason there are two separate skill mods that both seemed aimed and defense against bleeding. The Bleeding Resistance skill mod can be found on quite a few different loot items, however, Combat Bleeding Defense can only be found as a skill mod on clothing made with Bio-Engineered tissues. Like with Fire Resistance above, the Publish 6 patch notes stated that Bleeding Resistance now works, however it is unclear as to which of the two skill mods from above that this was referring, too. I would advise against putting either of these two skill mods on any loot items until some clarification is given. Specifically, the following questioned need to be answered: Do both of these skill work? If so, do they have the exact same function? If they have the same function do they stack? (Note: Personally I would suggest that these two skill mods be coded so that Bleeding Resistance lowers the chance for a player to enter into a bleeding state, whereas Combat Bleeding Defense should be coded so that it reduces the amount of damage a player takes during each tick of an already applied bleed.)

Defensive Skill Mods - Part 5

  • Melee Defense
  • Ranged Defense
  • Defense vs. Dizzy
  • Defense vs. Blind
  • Defense vs. Knockdown
  • Defense vs. Posture Change (Up)
  • Defense vs. Posture Change (Down)
  • Defense vs. Intimidate
  • Defense vs. Stun

All of the above skill mods currently work and can be used on any loot item without any problems occurring. (Note: while Defense vs. Posture Change (Up) does work, it is a skill that almost never comes into use in the game and thus should probably not be used on any loot items that are supposed to be of value.)

Melee Damage Skill Mods

  • Unarmed Damage
  • One Handed Melee Damage
  • Two Handed Melee Damage
  • Polearm Damage

Of the above four skill mods, it is questionable if any of them work. The first mod, Unarmed Damage, most likely works since Unarmed Damage is a skill that appears in the Teras Kasi skill tree. However, the remaining three skill mods do not appear anywhere in any skill tree and thus it is unknown if they actually work. Many players have sought to acquire loot items with the above skill mods under the assumption that they work, but I have yet to see any extensive testing done one way or the other. I would suggest not using any of the above, except Unarmed Damage, on any loot items until whether or not they work, or will ever work, can be clarified.

Rifle Skill Mods

  • Rifle Speed
  • Rifle Accuracy
  • Rifle Accuracy While Moving
  • Rifle Aiming
  • Cover
  • Taking Cover
  • Rifle Crawl Speed

Most of the above skills work, however the last two have both been removed from the game and are no longer valid skills. Neither Taking Cover nor Rifle Crawl Speed should ever be used as a skill mod on a loot item. Also, keep in mind that if any of the above skill mods are to appear on a weapon, that weapon should be a rifle.

Carbine Skill Mods

  • Carbine Speed
  • Carbine Accuracy
  • Carbine Accuracy While Moving
  • Carbine Aiming

All four of the above skill mods work fine and can be used on most loot items without risk of problems occurring. The only thing to make sure is that if any of the above skill mods are to appear on a weapon, that weapon should be a carbine.

Pistol Skill Mods

  • Pistol Speed
  • Pistol Accuracy
  • Pistol Accuracy While Moving
  • Pistol Accuracy While Standing
  • Pistol Aiming

All five of the above skill mods work fine and can be used on most loot items without risk of problems occurring. The only thing to make sure is that if any of the above skill mods are to appear on a weapon, that weapon should be a pistol.

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Marksman Skill Mods

  • General Ranged Aiming
  • Alertness

Both of the above skill mods work and can be used on any loot item without risk of problems occurring.

Melee Skill Mods

  • Unarmed Speed
  • Unarmed Accuracy
  • One Handed Weapon Speed
  • One Handed Weapon Accuracy
  • Two Handed Melee Speed
  • Two Handed Melee Accuracy
  • Polearm Speed
  • Polearm Accuracy
  • Warcry
  • Berserk
  • Intimidation

All eleven of the above skill mods work fine and can be used on most loot items without risk of problems occurring. The only thing to make sure is if any of the first eight skill mods are to appear on a weapon, that they appear on the appropriate type of weapon. For example, a skill mod for Polearm Speed should only appear on a polearm weapon.

Commando Related Skill Mods

  • Thrown Weapon Accuracy
  • Heavy Weapon Speed
  • Heavy Weapon Accuracy

Of the three above skill mods, only the first one, Thrown Weapon Accuracy, works. Heavy Weapon Speed and Heavy Weapon Accuracy are apparently old skill mods left over from beta. Each heavy weapon in the game now has its own skill mod. For example, the rocket launcher has Rocket Launcher Speed and Rocket Launcher Accuracy as its skill mods, where as the Flamethrower has Flamethrower Speed and Flamethrower Accuracy as its skill mods. It has been speculated that at some point in the future Heavy Weapon Speed and Heavy Weapon Accuracy will be reinstated into the game so that loot items with these mods will effect all heavy weapons, however when or if this will actually occur is unknown. Therefore, until more clarification is given by the dev team, I would suggest that both Heavy Weapon Speed and Heavy Weapon Accuracy NOT be used as skill mods on any loot items.

Bounty Hunter Related Skill Mods

  • Tracking Droids
  • Tracking Droid Effectiveness
  • Droid Speed
  • Droid Precision

It is assumed that all four of the above skill mods work, however, there is currently a bug in the game that causes a bounty hunter's droids to work slower, rather than faster, as his droid speed skill goes up, and thus most bounty hunters have been quite reluctant to utilize any loot items with a Droid Speed skill mod. Until this bug is fixed, I would suggest not creating any new loot items that have Droid Speed as a skill mod. (Note: If a more expanded player bounty system is ever added to the game, the demand and usefullness of the above skill mods will most likely change significantly.)

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Skill Mods that SHOULD be removed from the loot tables and any development tools used by the content team.

  • Grenade Experimentation
  • Grenade Assembly
  • Additional Pets
  • One Handed Weapon Counterattack
  • One Handed Weapon Evasion
  • Two Handed Melee Counterattack
  • Two Handed Melee Evasion
  • Polearm Counterattack
  • Polearm Evasion
  • Taking Cover
  • Rifle Crawl Speed

Skill Mods whose function are currently in question and should probably be avoided for now.

  • Clothing Experimentation
  • Weapon Repair
  • Armor Repair
  • Clothing Repair
  • Droid Customization
  • Droid Complexity
  • Structure Complexity
  • Surveying
  • Combat Medicine Use
  • Combat Medicine Effectiveness
  • Bleeding Resistance
  • Combat Bleeding Defense
  • One Handed Melee Damage
  • Two Handed Melee Damage
  • Polearm Damage
  • Heavy Weapon Speed
  • Heavy Weapon Accuracy
  • Droid Speed

Skill Mods that are currently in the loot tables and content development tools and CAN be used in loot items.

  • Weapon Experimentation
  • Weapon Assembly
  • Armor Experimentation
  • Armor Assembly
  • Food Experimentation
  • Food Assembly
  • Medicine Experimentation
  • Medicine Assembly
  • Combat Medicine Experimentation
  • Combat Medicine Assembly
  • Droid Experimentation
  • Droid Assembly
  • Clothing Assembly
  • Structure Experimentation
  • Structure Assembly
  • Artisan Experimentation
  • Artisan Assembly
  • Injury Treatment
  • Injury Treatment Speed
  • Wound Treatment
  • Wound Treatment Speed
  • Medical Foraging
  • Healing Range
  • Ranged Injury Treatment Speed
  • Terrain Negotiation
  • Camouflage
  • Foraging
  • Rescue
  • Group Terrain Negotiation
  • Steady Aim Bonus
  • Volley Fire Bonus
  • Creature Taming Bonus
  • Poison Resistance
  • Disease Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Melee Defense
  • Ranged Defense
  • Defense vs. Dizzy
  • Defense vs. Blind
  • Defense vs. Knockdown
  • Defense vs. Posture Change (Up)
  • Defense vs. Posture Change (Down)
  • Defense vs. Intimidate
  • Defense vs. Stun
  • General Ranged Aiming
  • Alertness
  • Unarmed Damage
  • Unarmed Speed
  • Unarmed Accuracy
  • One Handed Weapon Speed
  • One Handed Weapon Accuracy
  • Two Handed Melee Speed
  • Two Handed Melee Accuracy
  • Polearm Speed
  • Polearm Accuracy
  • Warcy
  • Berserk
  • Intimidation
  • Rifle Speed
  • Rifle Accuracy
  • Rifle Accuracy While Moving
  • Rifle Aiming
  • Cover
  • Carbine Speed
  • Carbine Accuracy
  • Carbine Accuracy While Moving
  • Carbine Aiming
  • Pistol Speed
  • Pistol Accuracy
  • Pistol Accuracy While Moving
  • Pistol Accuracy While Standing
  • Pistol Aiming
  • Thrown Weapon Accuracy
  • Tracking Droids
  • Tracking Droid Effectiveness
  • Droid Precision

New Quest Reward Items from Publish 6 that need to be hotfixed

Gammorean Battle Axe - Quest Reward at the reworked Jabba's Palace

This weapon currently has a skill mod of Block +5. This skill mod will NOT function because the Gammorean Battle Axe is a two-handed melee weapon and not a polearm. The Block +5 skill mod should be changed to Counterattack +5 which is the appropriate defensive skill mod for a two-handed melee weapon.

Demolitions Belt - Quest Reward at the reworked Jabba's Palace

This belt currently has three skill mods, Grenade Experimentation +5, Grenade Assembly +5, and Thrown Weapon Accuracy +5. The first two skill mods are both for invalid skills that were removed from the game during beta testing. Assuming this belt is intended to be of use to commandos, I would suggest removing the first two skill mods and replacing them with Thrown Weapon Speed +5 and Melee Defense +5. (Note, Thrown Weapon Speed has so far never appeared on a loot item as a skill mod, however it would be a useful mod if it was added to the game.)

Featherweight FWG5 - Final Quest Reward at the reworked Jabba's Palace

This weapon currently has three skill mods, Counterattack +5, Dodge +5, and Pistol Accuracy +5. The first skill mod, Counterattack +5, will NOT function because the FWG5 is a pistol and not a carbine. The Counterattack +5 skill mod should be removed and either Ranged Defense +5 or Melee Defense +5 put in its place.

There may be other new quest reward items in the game that also have invalid skill mods, however the above three are the only ones that have been discovered so far. It may be tempting to not fix these errors and leave them as they presently are, however, considering the vast numbers of players that will be doing the quests to acquire these items, it would be nice if they were not broken in some way. Also, the Demolitions Belt is sure to create much confusion amongst players. Many new players who are weaponsmiths already make the mistake of thinking that mod items with Grenade Experimentation and Grenade Assembly will help them with the crafting of munitions. Leaving this item in the game unchanged will give scammers just one more way to cheat uninformed players out of credits.