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Server Packet - UpdateTransformMessage (1B24F808)

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SHORT Op Count
INT Opcode
SHORT PositionX
SHORT PositionY
SHORT PositionZ
INT UpdateCounter
BYTE Speed
BYTE Direction

Variable Descriptions

Opperand_Count = 8

Opcode = 1B24F808

  • ObjectID:
ObjectID that you are listing attributes for.
  • Position X / Y / Z:
New Position of Object. The value is transformed the following way.
n = X / 4;
if n > 8192 n = n - 16384; 
effective map range is -8192..8192

to convert the a float to position
n = uint16(x * 4.0f + 0.5f);
  • UpdateCounter:
Number of movement updates the object has done.
Used to distinguish new updates from potential repeats.
Incremented by 1 each packet.
  • Speed:

Haven't seen it out side the range of 0..5 yet

  • Direction:
This is the direction for the object to face after moving.
It is calculated by (Angle / 0.0625) where angle is in radians.
    • Additional Notes:
This packet needs to be sent frequently to prevent start/stop in a movement stream.
Also, shorter distances at slower frequency will create slower speed.

:OLD--DATA--Found this to be the posture byte

This byte seems to be related to the 2 variances of ObjController Transform Packets
used (23 vs 21). See them for further detail. The 23 seems to be sent
in a Data channel signifying it being important. This byte is related to a
count of 21's the occur between a group of 23. The 23 is assumed to be start/end
of a chain of movement while the 21 is an update.



S→C This packet originates on the server.

100% This packet has been completely reversed.

Sample Packet

08 00 // op count
08 F8 24 1B // UpdateTransformMessage
EB 4F 90 19 17 00 00 00 // object ID
AD CF // x
7C 00 // y
CB 2B // z
03 03 00 00 // counter
00 // Speed
2F // direction

08 00 //opcount
08 F8 24 1B // UpdateTransformMessage
D5 4F 90 19 17 00 00 00 // ID
FA CF // x -3073.5
7C 00 // y 31
11 2C // z 2820.25
6E 02 00 00 // update counter
00 // speed
E7 // direction

Below is an NGE Packet

0A 00 //opcount
08 F8 24 1B // UpdateTransformMessage
F1 50 15 74 1E 00 00 00 // ID
85 0D  // x
1D 00  // y
87 34  // z
02 00 00 00 // update Count
00 // speed
15 // rotation
00 // rotation direction ??