Warcry1 Source1

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I agree.

I also think there should be a timer applied:

2. IF you received a warcry delay, you should not be able to receive another for 90 seconds. I would have suggested 60 seconds but warcry2 having 1/3 of that 60 second window is overwhelming so 90 would make more sense.

It's actually a 30 second timer by design. 20/30 seconds is pretty intense, but it's how they intentionally did it.

I'd be a fan of being able to use non-combat skills (healing, FR, stuff like that) while warcried though.

Both Warcry affect enemies in a Cone effect starting at the centre of your character, extending 15m out, being 0m wide at the point of origin(in your character) and spreading out to about 3m wide at max range.

I've noticed this because when my Mountian Krevol beetle (Volkswagen) is tanking 2-3 mobs when i stand close and warcry, 90% of the time i hit only 1 mob. However, when i aligned them up in a straight-ish line, stand at 10m away, i usually hit all 3 or at least both of them.


Warcry is a special move you get as a Novice Brawler. When it sticks, your target's next action (i.e. attack, stand, etc.) will be delayed for 10 seconds, or until damaged again. It is frequently combined with a knockdown move in order to keep the target on the ground for an extended period of time.


If he's kiting you run away from him. That confuses people and makes them run towards you. When he runs away run back towards him. Due to client/server lag you might get up to him before he realizes it. The goal is to get close enough to get a lunge in (Lunge2 is preferable but Lunge1 will help). If you can get a lunge in, you might slow him enough to get up to him. Try to do a warcry if you can also, that has a 20m range. If you can get a warcry on him, try to intimidate him. Intimidate is key to beating people.