ZoneServer (Architecture)

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Server Architecture - Zone Server

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Server Architecture Navigation
Admin Server - Chat Server - Connection Server - Login Server - Zone Server
General Overview


Text goes here....

Process Overview: Zone Server - Modules

Network Manager: Responsible for all OS network calls, low level packaging of packets, compression, encryption. Threaded.

Database Manager: Responsible for all calls to the database server. Threaded.

World Manager: Responsible for the world simulation. Object collision, physics, and client updating of dynamic objects. Main thread.

Game Manager: Responsible for all game mechanics. Character interaction with environment, chat, combat, crafting, skills, etc.

Scripting Engine: Responsible for all NPC character interaction and missions.

Mesh Manager: Responsible for static object asset management for the world server. This will probably not be needed and removed at some point.


Server Diagram

Configuration Files

# Zone Server Configuration File

# Database Configuration
DBServer = localhost
DBPort = 3306
DBName = swganh
DBUser = <dbusername>
DBPass = <dbpass>

# Zone Configuration
MapId = 5            #Naboo