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(Experimental Properties)
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{{CraftingSpec|Passive Tranquilizers|With trifling power requirements drawn from the wearer's nervous system, these miniature crystals vibrate at subsonic frequencies detectable by most animal life. The vibrations exert a calming effect that makes an animal more receptive to commands.
'''(Casual Clothing made using this component gets a bonus to the Taming Wild & Vicious Creatures skill modifiers.)|20|Requires Specialized Crafting Tool|1|140|147|Bio-Engineer Crafting|Tissue|Tissue Component|Tissue Engineering II}}
{{CraftingSpec|Passive Tranquilizers|Schematic Description|20|Requires Specialized Crafting Tool|1|0|130|Bio-Engineer Crafting|Tissue}}
== Schematic ==
== Schematic ==

Revision as of 21:13, 30 May 2010

Schematic - Passive Tranquilizers

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


Name: Passive Tranquilizers
Data: With trifling power requirements drawn from the wearer's nervous system, these miniature crystals vibrate at subsonic frequencies detectable by most animal life. The vibrations exert a calming effect that makes an animal more receptive to commands.

(Casual Clothing made using this component gets a bonus to the Taming Wild & Vicious Creatures skill modifiers.)

Complexity: 20
Required Tool: Requires Specialized Crafting Tool
Schematic Data Size: 1
Granted XP: 140
Practice XP: 147
XP Type: Bio-Engineer Crafting
Crafting Tool Tab: Tissue
Item Category: Tissue Component
Skill Required: Tissue Engineering II


Res creature food.png
Protein Base
Creature Food 20
Res milk.png
Bioactive Fluid
Milk 25
Res bone.png
Resonating Material
Bone 25

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Bio-Engineer This document is related to the Bio-Engineer Profession.

Schematic This document relates to a schematic.

Completion Key

Mark the completion status based upon the following criteria:

1. 0% if text only or nothing at all.

2. 25% if there is text plus: schematic pic, or 2nd source, or item pic only

3. 50% if any 2 of these are present: Schematic pic, 2nd Source, Item Pic, text.

4. 75% if 1 schematic pic, 1 item pic and text

5. 100% if 1 schematic pic , 2nd Source, Item Pic, and Text.

Experimental Properties

Experimental Effectiveness
Mod One
Flavor 33%
Overall quality 33%
Potential Energy 33%
Mod Two
Flavor 33%
Overall quality 33%
Potential Energy 33%

Schematic Image 1 (Ingredients)


Schematic Image 2 (Attributes 1)


Schematic Image 3 (Attributes 2)


Item Image 1


Item Image 2


Source References

Source Source in Context
1 http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/abilities.html?swgability=1031