Crafting (Sequence)

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The crafting process is monitored in the Player Object. The relevant values are set through the Yalp 9 at initialization and / or changed through the relevant deltas in the crafting process.

The Sequence

On using or doubleclicking the craft item the client sends 3 Packets, through which a crc list of the available schematics is requested.

For starters let us break it down into the steps needed to open up the different craft-screens

Schematic selection aka 1st screen

On using the craft tool, the usual radial menu packets are send. Additional the client sends a

CommandQueueEnqueue : SynchronizedUIListen (F9996AB6)and a

CommandQueueEnqueue : requestcraftingsession (094AC516)

Client Initiates

1) client -> server radial menu request Packet

2) client -> server F9996AB6 synchronizeduilisten

3) client -> server 094AC516 requestcraftingsession

server response The server responds with the customary Menue response and by sending the DraftSchematics (00000102) Packet

4) server -> client Menu response

5) server -> client DraftSchematics (00000102)

client response Triggered through the DraftSchematics Packet, the Client requests the DraftSlotsBatches and the ResourceWeightsBatches. In these Batches the Complete 64bit ID (crc + uint32 ID)of every schematic the Crafter has access to is send as Unicodestring.

6) ComandQueueEnqueue 5FD21EB0 requestdraftslotsbatch

7) ComandQueueEnqueue 9A8B385C requestresourceweightsbatch

server response The server responds to the BatchRequestPackets by sending the SlotConfiguration for every requested schematic in the DraftSlotsqueryResponse and by sending the ResourceWeights in the ResourceWeights Packet.

8) DraftSlotsQueryResponse

9) ResourceWeights

Selecting a Schematic

Slot Configuration aka Screen 2