Fear Release (Schematic)

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Schematic - Fear Release

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


Name: Fear Release
Data: Certain pheromone derivatives produce an instinctive fear reaction in a wide variety of species. To produce this cloth modification, a skilled Tissue Engineer analyzes the wearer's biochemistry and synthesizes a personal, wearer-only antidote to one or more fear pheromones. When the cloth is imbued with microcapsules containing both the pheromone and the personal antidote, the wearer can then intimidate or terrify others without suffering untoward effects personally.

(Field Wear made using this component gets a bonus to the Warcry & Intimidation skill modifiers.)

Complexity: 28
Required Tool: Requires Specialized Crafting Tool and Crafting Station
Schematic Data Size: 1
Granted XP: 170
Practice XP: 178
XP Type: Bio-Engineer Crafting
Crafting Tool Tab: Tissue
Item Category: Tissue Component
Skill Required: Master Bio-Engineer


Res creature food.png
Protein Base
Creature Food 25
Res meat.png
Hormone Reactive Solution
Herbivore Meat 25
Res seeds.png
Psychoactive Solution
Fungi 15
Res creature food.png
Pheromone Enhancers
Egg 15

Related Tags

75% This document is nearing completion.

Bio-Engineer This document is related to the Bio-Engineer Profession.

Schematic This document relates to a schematic.

Completion Key

Mark the completion status based upon the following criteria:

1. 0% if text only or nothing at all.

2. 25% if there is text plus: schematic pic, or 2nd source, or item pic only

3. 50% if any 2 of these are present: Schematic pic, 2nd Source, Item Pic, text.

4. 75% if 1 schematic pic, 1 item pic and text

5. 100% if 1 schematic pic , 2nd Source, Item Pic, and Text.

Experimental Properties

Experimental Effectiveness
Mod Five
Flavor 20%
Overall quality 50%
Potential Energy 30%
Mod Four
Flavor 20%
Overall quality 50%
Potential Energy 30%

Schematic Image 1 (Ingredients)

NOTE: Although schematics from the PreCU era list the experimentation attributes at 33%, actual testing showed them to be as listed above. (CU era schematics showed the correct percentages.) [1]


Schematic Image 2 (Attributes 1)


Schematic Image 3 (Attributes 2)


Item Image 1


Item Image 2


Source References

Source Source in Context
1 http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/abilities.html?swgability=1356