A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman NPC (Example)

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SWG NPCs - A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


The Singing Mountain Clan was a Dathomiri Witch clan village located near the Singing Mountain on Dathomir and a bitter rival of the Nightsister clan. Its leader was Augwynne Djo. Gethzerion used to be part of this clan before she got exiled.

A Long Vibro Axe [4][5][6], Damage Crystal [6 (Premium x2)][10 (Premium)] [11 Premium x3] [12 (Flawless)], Clothing Attachment [6 (+25 Rifle Speed)], Power Hammer [7], Blaster Pistol Barrel [7], Warm Hat [9], Heavy duty clasp [16]

A player claimed that this NPC had a high possibility of dropping Exceptional loot. [3]

A player claimed that "SMC Council Women are the Equivilent to NS elders but they do not hit as hard as elders do.... not even close" [6]

One players guide to find this NPC: "go to the Trade Outpost and activate the Singing Mountain Clan POI wp. Fly towards it until you get to the mountain and you start flying on land again, then swirve a tad to the west so that you are flying northwest. You should find small packs of them around there - they have maybe one Councilwoman, two Guardians and two Arch Witches." [8]

One player believed that "The only real difference between Elder and Councilwoman drops, or NS/SMC drops in general, is SMC dont drop Nightsister Lances. That makes it so you loot heavy leather and clasps more often, aswell as long vibro axes, which means there's the possibility of missing out on nice dot NS Lances, other than that they're exactly the same." [13]

A playe claimed that this NPC can hit with a bleed of 2k. [14]

A player claimed that "I get roughly 1 aa/ca every 25 elders/councilwoman. I prefer councilwoman since they dont have NS shards/layers in the loot tables so better chance there." [15]

A player claimed that "If you head NE from the Dath Outpost, there is a set of monoliths (a la Stone Henge) that you will see on the overhead map. Council Woman is a consta-spawn there. Kill her, she pops over and over and over. Its NOT in the POI list." [17]


A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman
A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman (from TC2)

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Dathomir This document relates to the Dathomir planet.

A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman

NPC Basics
Name A Singing Mountain clan councilwoman
Planet Dathomir
Type Npcs
Stype Humanoid
Social Group Singing Mountain Clan
Faction Singing Mountain Clan

Armor Rating Heavy AR3
Acid SP 100
Blast EFF 20
Cold SP 100
Electricity SP 100
Energy EFF 20
Heat SP 100
Kinetic SP 100
Lightsaber VUL 0
Stun SP 100

NPC Offensive Stats
Level 253
To hit 2350%
Damage 1395-2500
XP 24180
HAM 261000-320000
Special 1
Special 2
Weapons Mixed Force Weapons

Aggro 1
Can't Be Harmed 0
Healer 1
Herd 0
Killer 1
Offers Missions 0
Pack 1
Stalker 0
Loot 1

Source References

Source Source in Context
1 http://web.archive.org/web/20050522151131/http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/bestiary.html?swgbeast=1824
2 http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Singing_Mountain_Clan
3 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=1492630815&t=268111
4 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=147650
5 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=148273
6 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=262867
7 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=263155
8 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=283515
9 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=283576&start=75
10 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=286310
11 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=287430&search_id=817891975&start=15
12 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=381344
13 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=458426
14 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=458426
15 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=499124&search_id=817891975&start=15
16 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=500962&search_id=817891975&start=15
17 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=817891975&t=147650