Active Tranquilizers (Schematic)

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Revision as of 23:35, 9 June 2010 by Vidi (Talk | contribs) (Schematic Image 3 (Attributes 2))

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Schematic - Active Tranquilizers

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Name: ActiveTranquilizers
Data: These highly complex sensors, worn as patches on clothing, can identify a nearby animal and produce pheromones that target the animal's sympathetic nervous system. This calms the animal, possibly even during combat.

(Casual Clothing made using this component gets a bonus to the Taming Wild & Vicious Creatures skill modifiers.)

Complexity: 25
Required Tool: Requires Specialized Crafting Tool and Crafting Station
Schematic Data Size: 1
Granted XP: 160
Practice XP: 168
XP Type: Bio-Engineer Crafting
Crafting Tool Tab: Tissue
Item Category: Tissue Component
Skill Required: Tissue Engineering IV


Res creature food.png
Protein Base
Creature Food 20
Res milk.png
Bioactive Fluid
Milk 25
Res bone.png
Resonation Material
Bone 25
Res meat.png
Pheromone Enhancers
Reptilian Meat 10

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Bio-Engineer This document is related to the Bio-Engineer Profession.

Schematic This document relates to a schematic.

Completion Key

Mark the completion status based upon the following criteria:

1. 0% if text only or nothing at all.

2. 25% if there is text plus: schematic pic, or 2nd source, or item pic only

3. 50% if any 2 of these are present: Schematic pic, 2nd Source, Item Pic, text.

4. 75% if 1 schematic pic, 1 item pic and text

5. 100% if 1 schematic pic , 2nd Source, Item Pic, and Text.

Experimental Properties

Experimental Effectiveness
Mod One
Flavor 33%
Overall quality 33%
Potential Energy 33%
Mod Two
Flavor 33%
Overall quality 33%
Potential Energy 33%

Schematic Image 1 (Ingredients)


Schematic Image 2 (Attributes 1)


Schematic Image 3 (Attributes 2)


Item Image 1


Item Image 2


Source References

Source Source in Context