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Revision as of 17:43, 7 June 2007 by Schmunzel (Talk | contribs) (Description)

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OSNI Packet Type QuickNav
INSO03 - INSO06 - INSO07


 Client <-> Server Sequence: Resource Container Object



The INSO Object creates the temporary building fence where houses / factories are build.

The creation process begins with a SceneCreateObjectByCRC, then the main data is sent through an INSO03 and an INSO06 packet, then the object is finished by an UpdatePvPStatusMessage.

Initialization of the Object starts through sending the SceneCreateObjectByCrc the crc sent is the crc of the object we want to build - not the temporary object. So if this is the temporary building fence for a med tatooine house, then we send the crc of the med tatooine house.

the Object initialization will be will be completed through sending the SceneEndBaselines