DraftSlotsQueryResponse (000001BF)

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Revision as of 13:23, 3 August 2007 by Rouse (Talk | contribs) (Struct)

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INT resource weights id
INT crc schematic
INT complexity
INT size in Datapad
BYTE ?? limited use flag or looted schematic?? seen this one as 00 and 01
INT slots count

<slots count=slots count>

A_STRING where to look up the string
INT ??
A_STRING Name of the slot
BYTE Flag if Optional
INT slot 1 ???
<slot resources count=previous int?>
A_STRING where to look it up
INT ??
A_STRING name of the string
U_STRING resource name or subcomponent iff
BYTE 4 is resources 2 and 5 are components|- INT required resource amount INT Only used on type 2 will be an extra int16(0)|}
<slot resources/>
A_STRING {{unknown -> this string In my view doesnt exits Sch}}


Variable Descriptions

controllerID = 000001BF


OCM This header is part of the ObjControllerMessage.

75% This packet has been partially reversed.