A Nightsister sentinel NPC (Example)
SWG NPCs - A Nightsister sentinel
SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.
DetailsThe Nightsisters were a group of Dathomiri Witches (usually exiled from one of the other clans) who used the dark side of the Force. Though they used the dark side, their powers and abilities were quite different from the Sith Lords, which caused confusion among Jedi scholars as to who or what they really were. Around the time of their defeat, their leader was Gethzerion, who endlessly terrorized the other Dathomiri Witch clans. A DLT20a (Legendary) [6] was listed as being looted from this NPC. In one player's opinion on looting, "So, for sticks (polearms) the best bet is Spell Weavers, Protectors, and Sentinals." [3] Regarding crystals, one player observed "stats seem to be random, regardless of quality. Grabbed a -4 fc, 11 dmg, -.22 speed crystal off an elder. Quality was "exceptional". From a Nightsister sentinel, i looted a "good" crystal that turned out to be 14 dmg, -.18 speed, -7 fc." [5] One player claimed "I did fight a Nightsister Sentinel that used Force Choke on me." [7] One player claimed "I got a 3-mod clothing attachment off a NS Sentinel last night." [8] According to Zina's Essential Nightsister Hunting Guide v2.01 [4], "Nightsister Initiates, Rancor Tamers Sentinels, Spellweavers, Protectors, Elders spawn in 5's and the spawn can be any combination of the Nightsisters Listed. The combinations here are random. Its rare to see Rancor Tamers to spawn with the others listed, but it does occur. Typically, if an Elder spawns, she will be accompanied by 4 other Nightsisters which will not include second Elder. However, again, it is possible to see two Elders in one spawn. Elders have the potential to drop the highest end loot out of all the Nightsisters, however they are the most dangerous and have the most ham." "Sentinels are the lower end of the more challenging Nightsisters. They vulnerable to energy, blast and kinetic. They rarely spawn in groups of only 5 sentinels. A large percentage of the spawns that contain Sentinels consist of a mix of Sentinels, Spellweavers and Protectors, with the occasional Elder thrown in the mix. If possible, intimidate them. However it is not necessary, especially if its just one or two Sentinels. Sentinels will drop fairly fast, area attacks work very well on them. If you get one tank (swordsman or pikeman) to grab aggro of a few spellweavers and sentinels, have a rifleman stand at roughly 40-50m and spam strafe 2. That should drop any sentinels in the area rather quickly. On the Nightsister dangerous scale, Sentinels are probably close to 4." Listed as looted from this NPC: Nightsister Armor Layers, Crystals (Sentinel, Stalker: Mid to low level nightsisters, expect a mix of Good and Quality. The majority of these will be Good.), SEAs (Sentinels and Stalkers around +12 max.) |
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A Nightsister sentinel