Arakyd Probe Droid Usage (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Message Category

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Template (Game Messages)

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Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
probe_droid_arrival /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Probe Droid has landed and is awaiting biological signature programming. Example
probe_droid_arrival_1 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf 1 Example
probe_droid_arrival_2 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf 2 Example
probe_droid_arrival_3 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf 3 Example
probe_droid_arrival_4 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf 4 Example
probe_droid_arrival_5 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Probe Droid Launched. Prepare for arrival in 5. Count down timer before the probe droid initiates its landing sequance. Example
probe_droid_bad_location /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You must move to a different area to call down a probe droid from orbit. Example
probe_droid_launch_prep /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Probe Droid request received. Prepping capsule for launch. ETA 20 seconds. Example
probe_droid_takeoff /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Target data received. Commencing interplanetary search pattern. Example
probe_droid_too_many /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You cannot launch another probe droid. Message a player receives if they attempt to use another arakyd probe droid while the previous one is still in use or is still in orbit awaiting to come to the planet. Example
out_in_space /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You are unable to track your opponent while out in space. Message a player receives if they attempt to use a droid while in space Example
target_track_lost /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid lost track of your target. Example
target_location_updated /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Mission Target found by probe droid. Mission Waypoint updated. Example
target_located_corellia /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Corellia. Example
target_located_dantooine /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Dantooine. Example
target_located_dathomir /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Dathomir. Example
target_located_dungeon1 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target is somewhere out in space. You'll have to try again once he has returned to a planet. Message a player receives if they issue an arakyd droid and the jedi target is in space. Example
target_located_endor /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Endor. Example
target_located_lok /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Lok. Example
target_located_naboo /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Naboo. Example
target_located_rori /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Rori. Example
target_located_taanab /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Taanab. Example
target_located_talus /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Talus. Example
target_located_tatooine /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Tatooine. Example
target_located_yavin4 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your target has been located on Yavin IV. Example
target_not_found_1 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid exploded en-route and failed to find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
target_not_found_2 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid was destroyed by a mynock and did not find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
target_not_found_3 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your droid was struck by a meteorite and failed to find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
target_not_found_4 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid ran out of energy and failed to find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
target_not_found_5 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid malfunctioned and did not find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
target_not_found_6 /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf Your probe droid was eaten by a space slug and did not find your target. Message a player receives when the player fails an event check for random encounter after sending the probe droid on a planetary search run. Example
bounty_already_tracking /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You are already tracking your target. Message a player receives if they attempt to use a seeker droid while one is already in use tracking the target. Example
bounty_no_ability /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You do not understand how to use this item. Message a player receives if they attempt to use a seeker droid or an arakyd probe droid without being a bounty hunter or if they are a bounty hunter without the droid find or droid track ability to use the droids. Example
bounty_no_mission /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You must accept a bounty mission before you can use a probe droid. Message a player receives if they attempt to use a seeker or arakyd droid without having a bounty mission Example
bounty_no_signature /string/en/mission/ mission_generic.stf You must go speak with your informant before you can track your target. Message a player receives if they attempt to use a seeker or arakyd droid without having the target's bio signature from the proper informant. Example