CommandQueueAdd (00000167)

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Object Controller - commandQueueAdd (00000167)

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LONG Character ID
INT Unknown Int
INT Unknown Int
INT Attack Crc

Variable Descriptions

controllerID = 00000167


OCM This header is part of the ObjControllerMessage.

75% This packet has been partially reversed.

  • cAbles Note: This is an CU object controller struct but is likely to work with precu.

CU struct by cAble

05 00 #Operand
46 5E CE 80 #Obj Con
0B 00 00 00 #Unknown INT
67 01 00 00 #enum: commandQueueAdd  
37 C8 59 45 04 00 00 00 #Character ID
00 00 00 00 #Unknown INT
01 00 00 40 #Unknown INT
FA C0 60 3E # CRC for saberhit