Crafting Station Mechanics Source 2 (Source)

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Reference Documentation - Crafting Station Mechanics

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Does schematic complexity from experimentation affect the factory run time?

A-4.6: Yes. The more you experiment on something the higher the complexity will go. Each experimentation attempt will raise the complexity by 1 point and it does not matter how many points you use in each attempt. So if you experiment 10 times with 1 point each time then you'll get +10 complexity to the schematic. But if you experiment 2 times with 5 points each then you will only get +2 complexity. Each complexity point counts for 8 seconds additional factory time per object. Structure complexity skill tapes still have no effect on any of this. This used to not matter but it was apparently broken in the first place and was fixed just before JTL launch.

Factory run times can be approximated by the following formula...

8 seconds * complexity of schematic * number of items.