Creature Handler - Novice Creature Handler (Skill)

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Skill - Novice Creature Handler

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Master Creature Handler
Creature Taming IV
Animal Language
Creature Training IV
Tactical Animal Psychology
Creature Empathy IV
Consonanace of Will
Creature Management IV
Absolute Trust
Creature Taming III
Behavioral Science
Creature Training III
Martial Obedience Education
Creature Empathy III
Biological Affinity
Creature Management III
Pack Management
Creature Taming II
Pacification Techniques
Creature Training II
Obedience Education
Creature Empathy II
Animal Compassion
Creature Management II
Advanced Organization
Creature Taming I
Basic Domestication
Creature Training I
Animal Rapport
Creature Empathy I
Animal Comprehension
Creature Management I
Group Organization
Novice Creature Handler

Skill Summary

The Novice Creature Handler has a basic knowledge of taming wild creatures. They are able to train their creatures to perform limited acts, such as following or attacking. Eventually, the Creature Handler will grow to be able to handle dangerous aggressive creatures.

SkillPoint Cost 6
Experience Cost 17500 Scouting
Credit Cost 5000
Title Gained Novice Creature Handler

Skill Mods

Modifier Value
Additional Pets +1
Max level of pets +12
Stored Pets +4
Taming Wild Creatures +5

Commands & Abilities Granted

Schematics Granted



Pet Command: Attack
Pet Command: Follow
Pet Command: Store
