Credit Network14 (Example)

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[Spatial] 22:46:33 You join the station for a game of Jubilee Wheel.

[Spatial] 22:46:34 Place your bets!

[Spatial] 22:46:34 The next game begins in 120 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:46:54 You leave the Jubilee Wheel station.

[Spatial] 22:46:58 You join the station for a game of Jubilee Wheel.

[Spatial] 22:46:59 Place your bets!

[Spatial] 22:46:59 The next game begins in 120 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:47:22 You successfully make a payment of 5 credits to Jubilee Wheel.

[Spatial] 22:47:23 Roulette: /bet <amount> <1-36,0,00,red,black,odd,even,high,low>

[Spatial] 22:47:23 Bet Refund: 5 credits

[Spatial] 22:47:29 The next game begins in 90 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:47:59 The next game begins in 60 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:00 You successfully make a payment of 5 credits to Jubilee Wheel.

[Spatial] 22:48:29 The next game begins in 30 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:34 The next game begins in 25 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:39 The next game begins in 20 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:44 The next game begins in 15 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:49 The next game begins in 10 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:54 The next game begins in 5 seconds.

[Spatial] 22:48:59 The wheel begins to spin...

[Spatial] 22:49:09 The wheel begins to slow down...

[Spatial] 22:49:14 The wheel slows down and it appears the number will be... 36 (red).

[Spatial] 22:49:24 The selector pops at the last minute and comes to a stop on 2 (black).

[Spatial] 22:49:34 You shrug.

[Spatial] 22:49:35 Place your bets!

[Spatial] 22:49:38 You leave the Jubilee Wheel station.