Harvesters (Game Mechanics)
Game Documentation - Harvesters
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Game Mechanics
Types of Harvesters
1. Mineral
Mineral harvesters are used to harvest metals, ores, solid petrochemicals, and radioactives. A mineral harvester can be used to extract any resource found using a mineral survey tool.
2. Chemical
Chemical harvesters are used to harvest anything you can find using a chemical surveying tool, such as inert petrochemicals, liquid petrochem fuel, fiberplast, and lubricating oil.
3. Wind Generators
Wind Generators are used to harvest wind energy for use in other installations. The energy harvested by a wind generator is produced in a liquid form and stored in a canister-like object that you can carry in your inventory.
4. Solar Generator
Solar Harvesters, or Solar Power Generators, are used to harvest solar energy for use in other installations. The energy harvested by a solar generator is produced in a liquid form and stored in a canister-like object that you can carry in your inventory.
5. Fusion Generator
Fusion Generators are the high end of power generation. Fusion generators are placed on veins of radioactives, preferably with the highest PE possible, and produce this resource by the ton. If properly used, they are the best bang for the buck in terms of power generation. You can get a lot of power very quickly with a good fusion generator.
6. Moister Vaporators
Moisture vaporators are used to get water from the environment.
6. Flora
Flora refers to anything organic that isn't an animal. This includes stuff like berries, wheat, wood, and other organics that you would normally farm and/or harvest from trees or plants.
System Messages
- Placing a Harvester
- Naming a Harvester
- Adding Power
- Adding Maintenance
- Managing Hopper
- Managing Resources
- Harvester Operation
- Checking Status
- Harvester Administration
- Harvester Re-Deeding
- Construction Complete
- Structure maintenance pool empty!
- Structure Damaged!
- Your structure has been condemned!
Radial Menus
SUI Prompts
- Naming
- Adding Power
- Add Maintenance Part 1
- Add Maintenance Part 2
- Add Maintenance Part 3
- Managing Hopper Part 1
- Managing Hopper Part 2
- Managing Hopper Part 3
- Managing Hopper Part 4
- Managing Resources
- Harvester Operation
- Checking Status
- Administration Part 1
- Administration Part 2
- Re-Deeding
- Re-Deeding Part 2
- Re-Deeding Part 3
- Re-Deeding Part 4
- Re-Deeding Part 5