Item Decay Source 4 (Source)

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In preparation for Ithorian wearables, I've started the "FAQ revamp". This is significantly more "idiot proof" than the last version. Please let me know if I'm missing anything.

Sorry I was unclear - you don't need to PM me with additions, subtractions, etc, please feel free to post them here (the "PM me" line is for the final version when I don't want responses. Since I'm going to be pasting this over the old faq, post away here!)

TAILORING FAQ - version 2.0

A special thanks to Anabelle and Vandessa, and all the other members of this forum whose work I have plagiarized.

Tailoring basics

What can I do as a tailor Tailors can do the following:

  • Create clothing for aesthetics
  • Create clothing with enhancements
  • Create components for other professions to use

How do I craft an item? Put your crafting tool in your quickbar. Then open your crafting tool. You can double click your resources into the "slots" or drag them into the "slots." If your schematic requires a component, you must craft that component first, and then load the component into the slot from your inventory.

If it calls for 20 units of fiberplast, can I use 10 of one type and 10 of another? No. You must use the same type of resource in a single slot.

What do I do if I've made a mistake!? I only had 27 hide and I needed 40 in the slot! Simply double click the slot and the mistaken item will come out back into your inventory.

Can I put ingredients in my backpack? Yes. Simply double click on your backpack in the "loading" screen and you can access your backpack items. However, if you realize you made a mistake and try to double click the resource out of a slot, you will get an error. Simply use the "green arrow" to navigate back to your main inventory. Once you are there, you should be able to unload the mistaken material.

Do I have to wait until I finish creating an item before I start a new one? No. You may create an item with a different crafting tool while the crafting tool that you just used is "counting down." A crafting tool is free for use when it has no numbers counting down.

Crafting stations and Factories

What is a crafting station and why do I need one? A crafting station does two things. The first is that you can access some schematics, which you cannot access without standing near a station. The second is that you can make schematics.

What is the difference between a private and public crafting station? Most schematics are available with a public crafting station. However, some complex schematics requre a private station. A private station can be either something you put in your house, or be contained in a droid.

What is a factory schematic? A factory schematic is a way for your factory to mass-produce components that you need.

Can't I just hand-make components? Some clothing requires "identical" panels which must come from the same factory run.

Can I use factory-created components in clothing that does not require "identical components?" Yes! It may be more expensive (because a factory costs money and power) but it saves quite a bit of time.

Do "identical panels" have to come from the same crate? Technically identical panels have to have the same serial number so they need to come from the same factory run. By nature, factory runs come in crates of 25. If you have 2 crates from the same factory run, with the same serial number, it is perfectly okay to use one panel from one crate and one panel from another crate in the "identical panel" slot. For ease of figuring out which crates are the same-serial as other crates, when making your factory schematic, add a DATE at the end of your name - "Synthetic Cloth 10/2"

Will I get experience from factory-crafting? You will not get experience from a factory making components. However, you will get experience for hand-crafting the final item regardless of whether the panels came from a factory.

How do I make a factory schematic? In order to make a schematic, craft near a crafting station. Then, you will get to a box which says either "create prototype" or "create factory schematic". Choose "create factory schematic" and you will have the option to customize, set the factory limit, and the name. The schematic will then appear in your datapad.

What limit should I set on my schematic? You can always limit how many items are made by limiting the amount of materials you provide for their creation. If the station runs out of ingredients it will simply stop. Therefore, you can set all schematics at 1000.

How do I use the factory schematic? Go to your factory and under options, select insert draft schematic. Choose your schematic from the list. Then load in your ingredients. Then start your factory.

What materials do I put in the factory? You have to use the same materials you used to make the schematic. If you used nabooan fiberplast A to make the schematic, you cannot use nabooan fiberplast B to run the schematic. A simple way to tell is, after you load in your schematic, click on "list ingredients." The exact names of the resources you used should pop up, along with the ratios in which you must load the ingredients into the station.

How do I maintain my factory? A factory must have money at all times to stay up. It is more expensive than a house. A factory without maintenence will poof in about 2 days, so be vigilant!!! A factory only uses power when it is actively running a schematic.

How many lots does a factory take up? One lot for a wearables factory.

Can I use someone else's factory? Yes, as long as you are on the admin list. However, the e-mails which indicate that the factory is done, or error messages, only go to the owner of the factory.

Can I use my factory as storage? You can put ANYTHING in the input hopper of your factory. The output hopper of your factory holds completed panels, and you cannot put anything in it - once you take the crates out, that's it. Many tailors leave the completed crates in the output hopper until they need to use them. There are 100 slots of storage in the input and 100 slots of storage in the output hopper.

Materials and Equipment

What crafting tool will I need? You will need a clothing/armor crafting tool - although at first most of your schematics are available with the generic crafting tool, later on you will need a specialized tool. You cannot make one of those yourself unless you train in artisan engineering. Usually, master artisans can experiment these up - supposedly experimenting on crafting tools gives a lower chance to critical fail.

How many crafting tools will I need? I would recommend at least 4. You can start crafting with a new tool while the tool you just used is busy creating the prototype (you should see the numbers counting down).

What materials will I need? You will need the following, but not necessarily all at once. If you want to check what materials you will need for future schematics in a particular line, see Swgcraft. Here is a complete list

General materials:

  • Fiberplast
  • Polymer - though many items will accept lubricating oil, others will not. Best to just mine Polymer
  • Steel
  • Copper
  • Metals of any type (though it's more efficient to just mine steel or copper
  • Amorphous Gemstone
  • Crystalline Gemstone
  • Wooly Hides
  • Bristley Hides
  • Any Hides
  • Iron (in small amounts)
  • Ore (in small amounts)

Specific materials (in small amounts)

  • Plexite Amorphous Gemstone
  • Green Diamond Crystalline Gemstone
  • Thoraneum Steel
  • Titanium Aluminum
  • Tatooine Wooly Hide
  • Nabooan Scaley Hide

Does resource quality matter? Nope. Not at all. Not for regular clothes, not for BE clothing. It only matters for wookiee armor segments (see below).

What sort of station will I need? You will need a clothing and armor crafting station. You can use a stationary one or a droid.

What sort of factory will I need? A wearables factory. Around tier 3, some schematics will require "identical panels from a factory crate." This means that you must produce those panels in a factory.

XP progression

What do I craft first? You must get novice artisan and go up the domestic arts line to progress.

Then what do I craft? Make sure you are crafting a tailor item and not a domestic arts item. You will only get tailor xp from a tailor item, and will get general artisan xp from a domestic arts item.

What is practice mode? Practice mode is what you use when you don't think you can sell your items. You don't actually produce the item, and you get 5% additional xp.

So many people "grind" to master. How will I compete and make money if I'm not a master yet?

One option is to buy a factory and make panels for sale to other professions. Armorsmiths use fiberplast panels (domestic 1), synth panels (novice tailor) and reinforced fiber panels (Field 2). To a lesser degree, Chefs use trim (formal 1) for kegs, and Architects use reinforced fiber panels and fiberplast panels for tents. If you want to sell tailored goods, Kara's advice column has helpful tips on what to sell at every level. Also, see Starting Tailoring in a Mature Economy. Kelsaka's journal tracks his sales, and you can see which items are popular.

Do I need to open my own shop? That's really your call. Some tailors like to open their shops right away, while others like to sell on the bazaar until they hit master tailor. Some tailors do custom orders only. Choose whatever suits your lifestyle best.

How do I become a merchant See Docsavag's guide for more details.

How do I train? If you need novice tailor, you must find an NPC Trainer. For all other skills you can find a tailor on your server. Be sure to be polite and even tip if you are able. After all, he or she is saving you considerable time, travel, and money.

What does each line do?

  • Field wear: rugged gear schematics, and backpacks.
  • Casual wear: basic items, and some fun stuff like hawtpants and bustiers
  • Formal wear: the gowns and fancy skirts
  • Tailoring: additional colors and an increased chance to get sockets

What line should I go up in first? It depends on what you want. If you want to progress faster, go up field wear so that you can "grind" cartridge belts. If you want to sell "dance wear" and cater to entertainers, you would want to go up the casual line first for bustiers, and then probably up "tailoring" next for bright colors.


What do I grind to get Domestic Arts 1-4 and Novice Tailor? The artisan forum has a good FAQ on how to grind artisan lines.

What do I grind to get to Master Tailor? Stock up on Fiberplast and Steel. Make Ribbed Shirts until you get Field Wear 4. Then grind Cartridge Belts, which take Inert Petrochemicals, Steel, and Metal.

What Resources Will I need?


32000 TXP = 218 Ribbed Shirts = 6540 Fiberplast and 6540 Metals

44800 TXP = 305 Ribbed Shirts = 9142 Fiberplast and 9142 Metals

57600 TXP = 392 Ribbed Shirts = 11755 Fiberplast and 11755 Metals

70400 TXP = 479 Ribbed Shirts = 14367 Fiberplast and 14367 Metals

CARTRIDGE BELTS (X 3) up to Master

32000 TXP = 108 Cartridge Belts = 5400 Inert Petrochemical 2700 Metals and 3780 Steel

44800 TXP = 150 Cartridge Belts = 7500 Inert Petrochemical 3750 Metals and 5250 Steel

57600 TXP = 193 Cartridge Belts = 9650 Inert Petrochemical 4825 Metals and 6755 Steel

70400 TXP = 236 Cartridge Belts = 11800 Inert Petrochemical 5900 Metals and 8260 Steel

  1. 's courtesy of Abzintia's site

Approx Totals:

42000 Fiberplast

104000 Inert Petro

94000 Metal

73000 Steel

I need a tailor macro Check out this article which explains in detail how a macro works. You can also look at tailoring macro thread.

What am I doing wrong? I'm not getting xp! Unlike most xp in-game, crafting xp comes in stealthily and doesn't give you a system message. However, if you look at the numbers and you are truly not gaining xp, simply relog, and the xp should catch up. Alternatively, there could be a macro issue that is preventing your macro from creating practice prototypes. To make sure your macro is working, look at your crafting tools and see if each has a "countdown" number when you use it. If no countdown numbers are appearing when you use your macro, something is wrong. (Most likely you are next to a crafting station when you should not be).

Making components

What components do other crafters use?

  • Synth cloth:

o Armorsmiths o Doctors - fire blankets o Architects - high end furniture

  • Reinforced Fiber Panels

o Armorsmiths o Architects - tents

  • Trim

o Chefs - casks

  • Fiberplast panels

o Armorsmiths o Architects - tents

  • Armor padding - A.K.A. "wookiee pillows"

o Armorsmiths o (Yes, this is the only component that we make and cannot use ourselves.)

What do I do if a crafter asks me for components? That's really up to you. You can 1) say no, 2) provide the items in crates, or 3) make the crafter a schematic using his materials.

  • If you are a master tailor, you may be too busy to do it, so it might be nice to refer the crafter to an up-and-coming tailor who is more willing and needs cash. The tailor will make money, the crafter will get his items, and you will have more time for doing whatever you were swamped doing before.
  • If you choose to provide the crates of items, make sure you don't sell yourself short. The crafter may argue that materials go for 2 or 3 cpu on the open market, and will not take into account costs of factory maintenence and power. Make sure to add in all your overhead costs so you don't lose money on the transaction.
  • In terms of making schematics from the crafter's own materials, it's a simple matter of taking his materials, making a schematic to your datapad, trading him the schematic from the datapad, and the armorsmith himself runs it through his own factory. Many armorsmiths will expect this service for free, and it's your choice whether or not to provide it for free or for a fee (it will probably depend on whether it's a friend or stranger). Although the armorsmith may argue that it only takes time, that is time you could spend making money in another form, so be firm about a fee if you want one. The result of not charging a fee may be a huge amount of time making schematics for free, and not enough time making your own product.

Experimentation or lack thereof

I don't have the option to experiment! Experimentation was taken out of clothing a while ago. There are still skill tapes in-game that have bonuses to clothing experimentation, as well as the looted-schematic apron. Ah well.

Wait, I have the option to experiment on armor segments which go into wookiee armor. And stat quality matters! Filthy liar! Ok, ok, that's true, but only for that one segment. Each segments takes 15 hide, 10 wooly hide, 5 fiberplast. You can experiment on 2 stats: Durability (hams) and Quality (protection). Masters get 10 experimentation points, same as every other elite crafting profession. The pertinent stats are:

  • Armor action encumbrance: 50% OQ, 50% UT
  • Armor health encumbrance: 100% OQ
  • Armor integrity: 50% OQ, 50% SR
  • Armor mind encumbrance: 50% OQ, 50% SR
  • Armor Effectiveness:50% OQ, 50% SR

Realistically, it will be difficult for you to gather hides (wooly hides, no less!) with the required high overall quality and shock resist. It is more likely that an armorsmith will request a schematic from his own ingredients. However, if you do manage to get the materials and wish to sell these segments, see this thread on which stats to experiment.

Fashion: Aesthetic Crafting

There are so many colors - how do I decide which to use and how to label them for matching? In general, people want the bright master colors and black/white/gray. Decide on a labeling system and be consistent in how you label. Make the labeling system descriptive enough so that the customer knows what color the item is (customers do NOT like to examine a bunch of identically-labeled items to find one in blue) - but on the other hand is specific enough so you can go back and match it later. See the article for more details.

If I'm stocking my vendor, do I have to offer every item in every color? Absolutely not. Some items look lousy in certain colors. Use your judgment. However, if you offer, for example, bustiers in red, make sure to offer a few skirts, hawtpants, and shoes in red as well, so that an entire outfit can be coordinated from your vendor.

Do I have to make every item or can I specialize? Specialization is fun and will prevent burnout because of a lower sales volume. A good idea may be to partner up with another tailor and each of you specialize in a certain area. That way you have a full selection but divide the labor. Another option is to rotate your stock - each month can have a different color or theme. See this article for details.

Sockets and Skill Tapes

What are sockets, how do they work, and why do I care? Sockets are places where any player, tailor or not, can drop skill tapes (which are looted) into a piece of clothing. Clothing can have up to 4 sockets. Generally it's random, but you have a higher probability of making a higher-socketed item as you go up the "tailoring" line. For Domestic Arts items, however, the number of sockets is governed by the level in the Engineering line of Artisan. Many times people want to use skill tapes as they have bonuses which cannot be obtained by buying bioengineered items. There has been a recent change to socketing which makes it more unlikely to get 4-socketed items, and most master tailors are averaging 2 sockets per item. Some tailors have chosent to price 4-socket items higher. Be aware that it may take several tries to get 4 sockets at master. You will not see a single socket until Tailoring 3.

Is there any way I can increase my socketing? You can either get skill tapes to assembly or work your way up the FS tree that gives you bonuses to assembly.

What skill tapes can I use in an item? Not all skill tapes play nicely together and some overwrite. See this thread for a detailed explanation of how skill tapes work.

What sort of outfit should I make someone who wants to maximize sockets? To get the most articles of clothing onto a person, you should make him/her: Boots, Gloves, Shirt, Pants, Hat, Bandolier, Belt, Vest and ubese bracers. Yes, yes, ubese bracers are armor, so they will only take armor attachments. You can't wear a backpack with a bandolier, nor can a socketed backpack take enhancements.

Do socketed backpacks accept skill mods? No, backpacks do not accept skill tapes. They will simply be placed inside the backpack container.

Bioengineered Clothing

How do I make and use Bio-Engineered clothes? Components made by Bio-Engineers are used to add points to some skill mods. You use them in making Synthetic Cloths and Reinforced Fiber Panels. Then you use those enhanced components to make Bio-Engineered clothes. When the clothing is equipped you gain the modifiers. For a complete guide to BE clothing see Jame'thiel Dreamweaver's (RandDarkstar) guide, or for commonly-asked questions see Studio Salome's FAQ. A list of "what tissues go in what" can be found at this thread or this chart. Also useful is SWGBioengineer, though not specifically geared toward tailors.

Can I bioengineer boots and gloves? How about jewelry? These items do not take panels, so they cannot be bioengineered.

What tissues should I buy from bioengineers? That really depends on your audience, and what sorts of items do you normally sell (i.e. are you in a primarily "combat" area?) I have found that Melee/stun defense, bleed defense, and medical tissues are top sellers.

What BE clothing can be worn with armor? Only a shirt and a bandolier can be worn with full armor. And bandoliers and backpacks don't mix.

what tissues go in which cloths For synth cloth:

  • Injury & wound treatment
  • Entertainment wound healing
  • Wild/vicious creature taming

For Reinforced Fiber Panels

  • Bleed Defense
  • Intimidation & Warcry
  • Melee & Stun Defense
  • Maskscent & Camo
  • Cover

The recipe calls for 2 identical panels. How do I make BE panels in a factory crate? You will need a crate of BE tissues. You can use more than one crate, but make sure your crates are the same serial number. You cannot use loose tissues, because ingredients for a factory run must be the exact same as made the schematic, which means same serial number. When making your schematic, simply load in the BE tissue. Then place the remaining crates in your ingredient hopper, and your factory will auto-load them as it works.

Do bonuses "stack"? Yes and no. If you put 2 tissues in 2 different slots, then yes, the bonus will combine. BUT if you put 2 identical BE panels in the SAME slot (because the recipe calls for it), you only get a bonus from ONE of those tissues (and no, you cannot put in one BE and one non-BE panel, because they must be identical). This makes it more expensive to make high-end enhanced clothing, and at the same time, the high-end stuff sometimes holds fewer bonuses.

Am I reading this right that there are never two RFP slots in an item? Unfortunately yes. It's very hard to get RFP combat bonuses in an item. The usual template looks like this:

  • Shirt: formfitting undershirt, lined workshirt, reinforced work shirt
  • Pants: crafter's pants, pocketed shorts, reinforced pants, padded workpants, paramilitary camos, infiltrator leggings
  • Jacket: Desert command jacket, heavy reinforced jacket, spec ops duster
  • bandolier: Mercenary bandolier, multipocket bandolier

Each of the above has one RFP "slot" to work with, for a total of 4 bonuses.

How many items of clothing can be worn with armor? A shirt and a bandolier. That's it.

What can wookiees wear? Wookiee clothing is more limited. Wookiees only have reinforced slots in the Wookiee shoulder pad and the bandolier, for a total of 2 bonuses (humanoids get up to 4 rfp bonuses). However, it is very easy to get medical bonuses into wookiee gear because there are many items with up to four separate synthetic cloth slots.

Is there a cap on bioengineered bonuses? Yes, bioengineered stat bonuses cap at +25, regardless of what your character displays.

A customer came to my shop with his own tissues. Should I make him the item? That's really up to you. Many tailors have a policy against this because it can be a hassle: many times customers will think they do not have to pay if they bring their own tissues, or they will become angry over critical fails. Also, they may not bring crated tissues, which are necessary for the clothes they want. However, it's up to individual choice. You should warn the customer up-front about crit fails, and agree on a price before you start work.

Limited-use Schematics and Loot Here is an article about the schematics, including ingredients, stats, and screenies.

What are limited use schematics These are looted schematics (obtained from various theme parks) which can be used three times.

Do I need anything special to make them? They will all require one or two looted components:

  • Heavy Duty leather: for backpacks and crafting aprons
  • Heavy duty clasps: for droidsmith toolkit, weaponsmith toolkit and demolitionist belt
  • Crystalline Clothing Treatment: for the exotic leotard

You must be standing next to a private crafting station to use the schematics.

Can I make a factory run from a limited-use schematic Yes. However, all components must be identical. Therefore you must have looted components with the same serial number to make a factory run. Usually you will not find more than 10 of these, so the factory runs will be small.

What if someone comes to me with loot and a schematic? This is a personal choice. Some tailors will accept a schematic, and components, and make the item for the customer for free, with the "payment" being the remaining 2 uses on the schematic.

Why can't I see what type of apron it is? You cannot tell what type of apron it is until you learn it and see the ingredients. The list of ingredients for each apron is here.

Can I learn multiple schematics at once? Yes. You can have one "copy" of each schematic learned at a time. You may have each "type" of apron learned at the same time as well.

What happens if I crit fail? You don't lose one of your 3 "uses" but you do lose the ingredients, including loot. Don't crit fail.


What about decay? Items decay on death and will need repairs. According to empirical evidence master tailors will repair clothing with a better success rate than non-masters. Be sure to get good quality clothing repair tools from a master artisan, and do your repairs before the article gets down to 25%. Although currently clothing does not disappear at 0 condition, this may change.


How should I price my clothing? Many tailors use Zachary's price calculator to price clothing based on a credits per unit value of every single resource, and has the option of factoring in extra costs for factory-produced panels, and adding in a premium for higher level items. The new improved version is Zephyria's calculator which also includes artisan level items. For more advice on setting your prices, see Kara's advice column, and this article on pricing.

How should I price bioengineered clothing? Many tailors use a standard credits-per-point-of-stat-increase method. Others will charge more for certain stats than others. In general, depending on the economy, tailors will charge anywhere from +200 to +1000 credits per stat point. Not all tailors charge for the underlying garment on top of the tissue price. Many price on a sliding scale, instead of a standard per-point method, and charge a higher premium for the higher level tissues because of their difficulty. Another issue to consider is whether to charge for a "wasted" tissue: when you have to use 2 identical panels in a slot, you "lose" the value of one of the tissues. Some tailors charge for all tissues used, others charge just by the stat increase, and others "split the difference" and charge half-price for wasted tissues. See Studio Salome's Pricing or this thread for some examples of tailors' pricing schemes.

How should I price the items made from the limited use schematics? That's up to you and what your server charges for the parts. Many tailors don't sell the special items at all, but keep them for guild use. For a discussion of this issue see this thread

Your Template

Do I need to be a merchant too? An overwhelming majority of tailors are merchants too, simply because we can't crate-produce, and we need to keep a large selection on-hand. But there are also special-order tailors. Ultimately it's up to you to choose what sort of tailor you want to be, and this guide provides a few business models for tailors. If you do decide to have a vendor, check out these articles on vendor stocking and organization and shop decoration.

What professions "go well" with tailoring? Besides the obvious (merchant), there are many routes that compliment tailor. Armorsmith uses tailoring components and the same tools and factory. Image design gives you the "full makeover" shop experience. Architect lets you decorate the home as well. Entertainer professions give you the ability to show off your work. Bioengineer allows you to make your own tissues (although only one line of BE is tissue-related, there are experimentation points and advanced schematics at master, leaving it probably ineffective to just go up one line). Ultimately, though, it's what you want to do and what makes you happy.

Selling your goods

What is the best way to sell my stuff? This is a judgment call based on what type of tailor you are. Do you like to spend a lot of time with one customer? Or do you like to craft on your own schedule? Depending on how you envision your tailoring, you can decide whether you want to be a vendor-tailor, a special-order tailor or a hybrid. See these guides for details.

Should I use the bazaar? The bazaar is a good tool for getting your name out there, especially when you're new, or to make cash when business is slow. However, be sure not to undercut the market - you only end up cheating yourself.

What should I stock See this article for stocking tips.

How do I make my shop attractive? See this article on decorating.

How do I know what is wearable by what species/gender, and how can I communicate that to my customers? With the exception of wookiee clothes, most clothing is not labeled clearly. If an item is ambiguous to your customers, you might put a notation in the title that it's "female only". [List of what can be worn by whom is forthcoming.]

The FS Tailor - a work in progress

What cool tailoring stuff will I be able to get? Well... you can get bonuses to assembly, increasing your socket rate. Other than that... I got nothin'

How do I start getting to be FS? And THEN what do I do? Courtesy of Chiana

Non combat getting to glowy... friends can really help with this as well as a good swoop bike or av-21 speeder. Get in on a group doing the warren quests, you can get both badges quite easily if the group is experienced. I also paid a professional group to take me through the corellian quests, the only thing I had to do was run in and find the escape pod! Well worth paying a group who specializes in this. I also had a friend help me through Nym's quest, which was fairly easy and we finished it with no major problems. Once you have 5 of those, then visit all the Jedi POI's... very easy on the swoop bike and not much risk of being killed. If you haven't visited other poi's then try to get the 10 exporer badge and the 25 explorer badge, I don't know if these are required but it's easy to do. You should be glowing after these. The important ones are the 5 content badges which you can do without a lick of combat skills if you have friends willing to help. The old man will come to visit and leave you a crystal... the sith will attack you but they are easily defeated. You then get a waypoint to a sith camp, also these are very easy to do solo and make sure YOU loot them not someone else because they will drop a datadisk with the waypoint to the village on dath. The trip to dath can be daunting, lots of reds chase you... I suggest getting buffed before visiting or you can try and dodge them as you fly out there. Nightsister WILL knock you off your speeder and they love the av-21 so use a bike you don't care about. Make sure to add the village wp to your datapad and then locate Paemos and talk to him. He trades xp, make him a wp in your datapad too as well as Noldan. Find Quahrek and see if he has missions for you. The missions change every 3 weeks. I strongly suggest with Qhareks phase II and III that you get in the quest asap because it caps at 45 people! Once you open the slots you then have to fill them, which takes alot of resources, time and more time! hehe... Specifically for tailoring grind. I use the tact suits as it's less clicking but it costs more credits and uses 2 million polymer! Tailor Crafting XP can be acquired quickly making Cartridge Belts at 285 XP for 110 resources each. Doing these you can get 171k XP / hour, or 34.2k FS XP / hour by using 66k resources an hour. With a 120k max, you fill your XP every 42 minutes. Doing this for 36 hours and using about 2.4 million units of resources can fill a 4 box branch. Doing this requires 49 skill points (Tailor Field Wear 4).

Tailor Crafting XP can also be acquired making Tactical Skinsuits at 950 XP for 360 resources each. Doing these you can get 570k XP / hour, or 114k FS XP / hour by using 216k resources an hour. With a 120k max, you fill your XP every 12.5 minutes. Doing this for 11 hours and using about 2.4 million units of resources can fill a 4 box branch. Doing this requires 92 skill points (Master Tailor). The killer is that the Skinsuits require factory made parts and you can use up an entire 1000 unit run of parts every 25 minutes of grinding... for a total of 27 factory runs required. If you have calendar time but don't want to sit around grinding as many hours this can be a good path.

What quests will I have to do? Courtesy of Jame'thiel Dreamweaver

Crafting Quest #1 Quharek asks you to fix the Sensor Array. It has 4 components that require repair/replacement. Taking these items out of the array and bringing them into the Head Engineer's hut (he died) will give you access to two pieces of equipment. One is an analyzer that allows you to reverse engineer the bad components and make a schematic. Then you download the schematic into your datapad for one time use. If it fails, you can download another as often as you like until you are finished. The Second piece of equipment will allow you to calibrate the finished pieces of equipment, which must be done before you are able to replace them in the sensor array. The Equipment: Configuration Processor

  • Copper (45 units)
  • Aluminum (40 units)
  • Rori Fiberplast (50 units)

Gyroscopic Receiver

  • Yavian Wind Energy (50 units
  • Lubricating Oil (20 units)
  • Steel (45 units)

Signal Amplifier

  • Talusian Fiberplast (25 units)
  • Copper (70 units)
  • Carbonate Ore (20 units)
  • Aluminum (20 units)

Solid State Array

  • Nabooian Water (10 units)
  • Copper (10 units)
  • Polymer (20 units)
  • Extrusive Ore (100 units)

I would bring enough to make at LEAST 5 of each components. The reason is the calibration. Each piece uses a puzzle to calibrate the equipment. I'm not going to ruin it for anyone by explaining, and in fact, this is the most in-depth crafting experience I have yet to see from SWG. I was amazed at the process and how it worked. Each attempt to calibrate will deteriorate the equipment by a certain amount. If you don't get it right in a set number of tries, the integrity falls to 0% and it is unusable. You then have to make a new piece and try again. Repairing the sensor array will give you an unlock in the Force Crafting - Assembly line. You also get the reward of a piece of the Aurellian Sculpture. There are 4 different pieces, and I was able to get #3 and #4 of the set. I am not sure if having all 4 will allow you to complete it into a finished

For more info on quests, see the Artisan guide.


I am getting an error message when I try to use my crafting tool. Check to see if your inventory is full. If it is, you probably have created something in the tool, and it remains in the "hopper" until you have space. Clear out inventory space. Then right click on the tool in the inventory. Use the radial to navigate up to "craft" and then an option should appear to unload the completed prototype into your inventory.

I am getting a "you are already crafting" message, but my crafting screen is not up. Hit alt a few times and your crafting screen should reappear.

Factory stopped?! Could be several things:

  • Out of ingredients
  • Out of power
  • Output hopper full or close to full (this causes an error