Slicing: Terminals (Ability)

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Ability - Slicing: Terminals

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With "Slicing: Terminals" the smuggler gains the ability to hack mission terminals for extra pay using the "Slice" radial menu option.

System Messages

SUI Prompts

Radial Menus

Slicing Mission Terminals

The ability to slice mission terminals comes with the Slicing I skill box trained in smuggling.

Any mission terminal may be sliced to obtain higher mission reward payouts. In the case of faction missions, reward is increased as well as faction points allotment for destroying the base objective. Players must progress through these steps in order to successfully slice a mission terminal:

  • Click on a Mission Terminal and select Slice from the radial menu.
  • A Standard Slicing interface will open, and you can use Molecular Clamps or Flow Analyzer FANs
  • If you slice a Mission terminal successfully, then open the terminal mission window, the first page of missions will have about 25-50% higher payout than normal.
  • If you refresh the screen it goes back to normal.
  • Only the player that sliced the mission terminal will be able to obtain enhanced payout missions.
  • Regardless of the outcome, a Player cannot slice Any terminal again for 2min.

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50% This document has been partially completed.

Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Smuggler This document is related to the Smuggler Profession.