Variable DescriptionsOpperand_Count = 0C Opcode = B97F3074
A customization string used to store a characters physical customizations. Stored as binary data.
A unicode string composed of the first name and surname seperated by a space.
The path and filename of the object file templete for the specified race. Must be of type creature/player. "object/creature/player/[race_gender].iff"
The string specifying the start location of players. The server will override this feature, unless it is figured out how to load the UI for changing it. TODO: Find how to change StartLocation.
The path and filename of the object file templete for the hair type selected. Must be an appropriate templete. "object/tangible/hair/[race]/hair_[race_gender]_s[ID].iff"
A customization string used to store the hair customization. Will be stored in the server as binary data.
A string of the root starting profession of the character. See skill tree for more information.
Unknown Purpose, never seen 01. TODO: Figure out the purpose of this byte.
A floating point value of the characters height or scale.
A unicode string that stores a players biography written at char creation.
This flag is 01 when the tutorial option is checked, 0 otherwise. If 01, start the player with the tutorial system.
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