A naboo pirate cutthroat NPC (Example)

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SWG NPCs - A naboo pirate cutthroat

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The term pirate referred to the variety of rogues that were scattered across the galaxy who would attack, rob or commandeer ships as they saw fit. While their actions were inherently illegal, the morals of various pirates varied considerably. Some were cutthroat brigands who were petty murderers or thieves, but others, such as Nym, had a set of morals that prohibited killing the innocent, and generally restricted their actions to the rich.


A naboo pirate cutthroat

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25% This document has been partially completed.

Naboo This document relates to the Naboo planet.

A naboo pirate cutthroat

NPC Basics
Name A naboo pirate cutthroat
Planet Naboo
Type Npcs
Stype Humanoid
Social Group Naboo Pirate
Faction Naboo Pirate

Armor Rating None AR0
Acid - -
Blast - -
Cold - -
Electricity - -
Energy - -
Heat - -
Kinetic - -
Lightsaber VUL 0
Stun VUL 0

NPC Offensive Stats
Level 11
To hit 29%
Damage 120-130
XP 430
HAM 1000-1200
Special 1
Special 2
Weapons Pirate Weapons (heavy)

Aggro 1
Can't Be Harmed 0
Healer 0
Herd 0
Killer 0
Offers Missions 0
Pack 1
Stalker 1

Source References

Source Source in Context
1 http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/bestiary.html?swgbeast=3040
2 http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate