From SWGANH Wiki
Tutorial - Newbie Tutorial Documentation
SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.
Connecting packets
- These packets are thought to be connected to the tutorial.
- StatMigrationTargetsMessage
- ClientOpenContainerMessage
- CuiControlsMenuBindEntry::Messages::UPDATE_BINDING
- CuiSpatialChatManager::Messages::CHAT_RECEIVED
- CuiIoWin::Messages::CONTROL_KEY_UP
- CuiIoWin::Messages::CONTROL_KEY_DOWN
- OpenHolocronToPageMessage
- CloseHolocronMessage
- NewbieTutorialEnableHudElement
- StartingLocationList
- A log of the tutorial from Pre-cu can be found here