Select Droid Type (Game Mechanics)

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Template (Game Messages)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

Game Mechanics

After the player chooses the Droid option from the vendor type window, the player is then prompted to select from a list of Droid variations available. The player may select from up to 5 different Droid types. The options available are based on the player's Hiring skill modifier. At +20 hiring, The player starts off with being able to use Robo Bartender droids; at 50 hiring - EG-6 Power Droid; at 60 hiring - WED Treadwell Droid; at 90 hiring - 2-1B Surgical Droid; and at 100 hiring - Protocol Droid.

Once a player has made their droid selection, they are then sent to the Add Vendor Name window.

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