Droid Precision (Skill Modifier)

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Skill Modifier - Droid Precision

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This skill modifier value affects the Bounty Hunter player's success rate when it comes to utilizing a Bounty Hunter's droid 'find' feature.

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Bounty Hunter This document is related to the Bounty Hunter Profession.

Skill Mod Details

Droid precision is a complement to the skill: droid track, and both are used together. Droid precision actually reports your marks new location once droid track sticks and the text reads: "droid will continue to report location". Droid Precision and Tracking Droid Precision SEA's will narrow how far away your mark is in relation to the way point. Keep in mind if the way points 5 mins old your mark won't be anywhere near it. When you get within a certain distance (500m) the mark stops moving and the waypoint stops updating. The mark will be anywhere within the 500-600 meter radius but will only spawn when within 108meters. The droid precision skill is useful in bringing the wp as close to the mark as possible within this 500-600 meter search area. So in effect it seems that precision changes the accuracy potential of the spawn, but still allowing for even a master bounty hunter to have a mark that is at times off from the waypoint coordinates. To begin tracking the target again, the bounty hunter must move out from the radius area to launch a droid that will recomence tracking

Droid Precision also has the effect of decreasing the chance of the droid encountering random events such as being eaten by a mynock or being destroyed by a meteor when trying to find which planet the mark is on.


== Sources ==