Assembly Mechanics (Game Mechanics)
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Game Mechanics - Assembly Mechanics
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Assembly OverviewThere are two factors that go into the process of determining an item's statistics; these are Assembly and Experimentation. Assembly is the starting point of this process. Assembly in its literal sense, is the putting together of the components and resources to create an item. Most crafted items have a set of experimental lines in which have individual properties under them. These properties are a control and bottleneck for the value of the stats that are associated with them. The properties are associated with a particular resource stat and the amount to which that stat weights or factors into the increase/decrease of the stats of this item. The value that gets returned from this process of weighting factors comes in a percentage range from 0 to 100%. The total length of the range between 0 and 100 is determined by the weighting factors of the resources and experimental property. When an item is assembled or experimented on, a portion is added to the range. For every increase in the value in the range beyond 0, the item's stats increases. The process of assembly is to add a starting value to the range. Experimentation will add onto this base starting value on up to a maximum of 100%. For a closer look at the mathematics behind this process, see the Formulas in Review section below.
Part I. Assembling the itemAssembling an item begins at stage 2 of the crafting process when the player is inputting resources into the draft schematic slots. After the appropriate slots requirements have met, the player may advance the crafting process by clicking the Assemble button on the lower right. Upon clicking this, the game performs a number of calculations on the item which involved a number of factors such as player skill modifiers, a random chance roll, and environmental effects on the roll. These factors are designed to determine the type of success that the assembly attempt will have produced.
As shown above, Each type of success will vary depending on the success roll made. The only success rate of consequence are Critical Failures. When a critical failure occurs, the player loses all resources used (but not components) and the item fails to be produced. Essentially the player must start over with crafting the item if a critical failure event happens. Part II. The Assembly Success & Roll DetailedAs mentioned previously, after clicking the assemble button on the crafting menu, a process takes place in which determines the success choice that is displayed to the player. The following will help detail that process.
Result = Rating + Roll Risk = 100 - Rating (Any rating at 100 or higher shows as zero risk) Rating: Calculated from your experiment skill and modified by average MA on the resources and how many points you spend. 900 MA is a 10 skill bonus, 100 MA is a -10 skill penalty. Each extra point used at the same time is a -5 skill penalty. The formula for the rating is: 50 + (Average_MA - 500)/40 + Experiment_Skill - 5*Points_Used Average_MA follows the same rules as if it had a hidden 'MA 100%' experiment line. It is weighted by resource quantity and resources without MA are not counted. If none of the resources have MA, the Average_MA is considered zero which is not fair for Chefs and BEs. Points_Used is 1 if you only use one point. Roll: Random roll. Rolling below a limit will always give a critical failure regardless of your rating and above another limit will always give amazing success. (Think of it as in RPGs where an original 1 or 20 on 20-sided die overrides your base chance.) Research City, Bespin Port and maybe crafting stations and tools modifies your roll before checking the limits and thus lessens your chance of critical failures. As well as improving your chance for amazing success. (The impact of crafting stations and tools seems to be fairly small if any.) Risk: This is your chance of getting any kind of failure. Note that the lower results like marginally successful are not technically considered failures even though it feels like it. At zero risk you can no longer get any type of failure except critical from the override on the roll. Great Success gives you 7% and Amazing Success gives 8.05%. Good success and the others gives 3.5% and less. Normal Failure gives -7% and Critical Failure gives -14%. These percentages are multiplied by the number of points you spend. If you drop down to 0% from failures you can no longer increase the percentage. Some general advice on experimenting. For conservative experimenting you should spend at least 2 points each time. Using 2 points effectively halves your chance of critical failure without reducing you chance of great success noticably. You may even do fine with 3 or 4 points at Master. If you are experimenting on multiple lines and absolutely need almost only amazing successes for a schematic, you have to do another approach. Then you should spend as many points as possible and hope for the amazing override. The chance of getting many smaller amazing in a row is just too remote. There are other variants. For example the bikes mentioned above where dropping to 0% really hurts. Don't start out with more than one point. With decent resources you will probably start above 14% and can survive an initial critical failure. Continue by never spending more points than the current percentage divided by 14. Still if you drop down below 14 and get another critical nothing can save you.
Unknown (I have no experience with FS, but logically it should affect the success rate): 8) FS experimentation. By their very nature Success Rate and Roll stack since they are basically added to produce the result. Within each part; 1, 2 and 3 stack. I don't know about 4 and 5. 6 and 7 is too low to measure. Good success rate makes higher results more likely. Good roll does the same and reduces critical failures too
Your Assembly skill mod (dependent on the schematic used and your skills) modified by the quality of the tool modified by the quality of the private crafting station modified by the effects of pyolian cake or any other bonuses (city, clothing, etc) applied to the roll = outcome. The experimentation roll. This roll determines the success of your experimentation attempt, crit fail, big fail, etc. One roll per click of the 'perform experiment' button. Like Assembly, the roll is modified by your experimentation skill mod, quality of the tool, quality of the station, bespin port, city bonus, etc.
Almost every item that can be experimented on has stats . These stats are tied to particular experimentation categories. Wind generators have two categories: Efficiency (tied to extraction rate) and Storage (tied to hopper size). The experimental categories are displayed as percentages between 0% and 100%. The success type of the experiment ("good success", "great success", "moderate failure") determines how much improvement (or deterioration) is applied to that percentage. For example, a "great success" increases the category +7 for every point you spent; spend 5 points and get a great success, and the percentage increases by 35. Stats on in-game items have a minimum value (at 0% experimentation) and a maximum value (at 100%). The actual value of the stat is calculated using a linear scale between these two points and the experimental percentage you reached. You take the minimum stat value and add the stat range (Max - Min) times the experimental percentage. For example, crafting tools have a minimum effectiveness value of -15 and a maximum effectiveness of 15. If you experiment Effectiveness to 65%, the actual stat will be: -15 + (15 - (-15) ) * 0.65 = -15 + 30 * 0.65 = 4.5 The higher you experiment a category, the closer you get to the max possible on the stats associated with that category. In elite crafting professions (mainly weaponsmith and armorsmith), items have subcomponents which also influence final stats. The limits on the "best" item you can make is determined by the hard-coded maximum at 100% experimentation,and resource quality. Resource stats determine both the maximum experimentation percentage and (along with the assembly success) the starting experimentation percentage
statsYour assumption is correct, all experimentation in SWG uses this formula : Stat = [Base value at 0% experimentation] + ([Increase/%] x [Experimental Percentage]) For example : X-Wing : Mass = 97500 + (5000 x E) with E = Experimental Percentage The initial and maximum Experimental Percentage depend on the resource stats, resource amounts and the applicable stat percentages for the item youre making. These values make up the Weighted Resource Value and determine the initial and maximum experimental percentage this way : Initial EP = 0.00000015 x WRV^2 + 0.00015 x WRV Maximum EP = 0.001 x WRV Source References
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