Dancing advancement (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Dancing advancement

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Dancing advancement (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Patch 12 Examples
greeting /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Hello, friend. Say, I've seen you around. You've got some interesting new moves. If you like, I might be able to teach you a few new steps? Patch 12 Examples
greeting_r0 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Sure, I'd like to learn something new. Patch 12 Examples
greeting_r1 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Not right now. Thank you, though. Patch 12 Examples
offer /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Tell me what you're interested in and I'll see what I can teach you. Patch 12 Examples
offer_r10 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string On second thought, I'd rather not right now. Patch 12 Examples
offer_r0 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r1 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r2 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r3 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r4 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r5 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r6 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r7 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r8 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
offer_r9 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Can you teach me anything for the %TO style? Patch 12 Examples
cant_teach /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Ah, I'm afraid there's nothing I can teach you now. Maybe some other time, eh? Patch 12 Examples
goodbye /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Good day to you, then. Patch 12 Examples
not_enough_xp /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string I can teach you some new steps for that dance, but you don't have enough %TO experience to learn them. You must be able to spend at least %DI %TO experience. Patch 12 Examples
confirm /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string I can teach you some new steps for that dance, but you will need to spend some %TO experience to learn them. Do you want to spend %DI %TO experience to learn the new steps? Patch 12 Examples
confirm_r0 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string Yes, I will spend the experience to learn the new steps. Patch 12 Examples
confirm_r1 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string No, I'd rather not learn the new steps right now. Patch 12 Examples
cant_teach_yet /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string I could teach you some new steps, but you need to practice that dance a little more first. Keep practicing and come back later. Patch 12 Examples
success /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string There you go! Enjoy the new moves, and remember, keep practicing! Patch 12 Examples
sysmsg_success /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string You have successfully learned the %TO dance style. Patch 12 Examples
title /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string a choreography teacher Patch 12 Examples
sui_prompt0 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string You have become proficient at performing the Patch 12 Examples
sui_prompt1 /string/en/ dance_advancement.stf internal_command_string style dance. You may be ready to learn some advanced steps. Patch 12 Examples