Droid Healing (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Droid Healing

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Droid Healing (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Note Example
droid_repair_damage_self /string/en/ healing.stf internal_command_string You have repaired %TO and healed a total of %DI points of damage.
droid_repair_damage_other /string/en/ healing.stf internal_command_string %TT has repaired %TO and healed a total of %DI points of damage.

droid_repair_no_damage /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string It appears %TO has no damage to repair.

droid_repair_droid_in_combat /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You cannot repair this droid while it is in combat!
droid_repair_must_wait /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You cannot repair a droid for another %DI seconds.
droid_repair_no_damage /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string It appears %TO has no damage to repair.
droid_repair_no_target /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You must target a droid pet to use these tools.

droid_repair_opposite_faction /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string It would be unwise to repair a droid such as this.
droid_repair_target_not_droid /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string Your target is not able to be repaired with these tools.

droid_repair_you_in_combat /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You cannot repair this droid while you are in combat!